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第  PAGE 3 页 共  NUMPAGES 3 页 Unit 4 Earthquakes Section Ⅱ Grammar 语法指南 定语从句的关系词分为关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that,which,who(宾格whom,所有格whose),其中that,which,who在从句中作主语或宾语,whom作宾语,whose用作定语。 1.that既可以指物,也可以指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时可以省略,但不能跟在介词后引导定语从句。 The woman that burst out of the room just now was angry with you. 刚才冲出房间的那位女士生你的气了。(指人,作主语) This is the novel that interests me. 这就是让我感兴趣的那本小说。(指物,作主语) The magazine(that)I bought yesterday is lost. 我昨天买的那本杂志丢了。(指物,作宾语) 2.which用于指物,在从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时可以省略,但跟在介词后引导定语从句时不能省略。 It is a country which has a short history. 这是一个历史很短的国家。(作主语) The radio (which) he bought yesterday doesnt work. 他昨天买的收音机坏了。 This is the house in which I once lived. 这是我曾经住过的房子。(作介词in的宾语) 3.who用于指人,可作主语或宾语,作宾语时可以省略,但直接跟在介词后时需用whom引导定语从句,且不能省略。 The man who is talking with my father is a policeman. 正在与我父亲谈话的那个人是警察。(作主语) The professor(who/whom) you wish to see has gone abroad. 你希望见的那位教授出国了。(作宾语) He is the doctor to whom your mother spoke. 他就是与你母亲谈过话的那位医生。(作介词宾语,whom不能省略) 4.whose既可以指人,也可以指物,在从句中作定语。 This is the woman scientist whose name is known all over the country. 这就是那位闻名全国的女科学家。 He lives in a room whose window faces north. 他住在一个窗子朝北的房间里。 whose通常可用“the+n.+of+whom/which”替换,以上两句可以分别替换成: This is the woman scientist,the name of whom is known all over the country. He lives in a room,the window of which faces north. 5.在以下情况中用that不用which。 (1)当先行词是不定代词或被不定代词修饰时。 All that is needed has been bought. 所需要的一切都已经买了。 (2)当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时。 The first thing that should be done is to get some food. 要做的第一件事是弄点儿吃的。 (3)当先行词被the very,the only,the same等修饰时。 Thats the only thing that we can do now. 那是目前我们唯一能做的事。 (4)当先行词既指人又指物时。 They talked about the persons and things that they saw in the factory. 他们谈论起在工厂里看到的人和事。 (5)当关系代词在定语从句中作表语时。 Lucy is not the girl that she used to be. 露西已经不是过去的她了。 (6)当要避免与疑问词which重复时。 Which is the car that was made in Beijing? 哪辆车是在北京制造的? (7)当先行词为数词时。 He brought two cats yesterday.Now I can see the two that are playing in the garden. 他昨天带来两只


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