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此文荣获第一届中国学校体育科学大会论文二等奖(证书见末页) 影响湖南省大学生健康的不良生活习惯的调查研究 王革1 卓莉 2 1韩山师范学院 体育系,广东潮州 521041 2韩山师范学院 公体部,广东潮州 521041 摘 要 采用文献资料、问卷调查等方法,对湖南省16所高校1600名大学生的生活习惯进行调查研究。结果表明,影响大学生健康的不良生活习惯主要有七种:1不按时吃早餐、2无节制的夜生活、3“开夜车”、4 睡眠不足、5吸烟、喝酒,大吃大喝、6不卫生的寝室生活习惯、7体育锻炼无计划等.这七种不良生活方式严重地影响着大学生的健康和学习,建议各高校要严格管理制度,加强思想教育,注重健康教育和体育卫生保健工作,使学生认识到其危害性,采取预防措施,防止不良生活习惯的蔓延和泛滥。 关键词 大学生 健康 不良生活习惯 INVESTIGATION AND STUDY ON ILL LIVING HABITS AFFECTING COLLEGE STUDENTS’HEALTH Wangge1 Zhuoli2 Liufeng3 1.P.E Department, Hanshan Teachers’ College, Chaozhou Guangdong 521041 2.Public Department of Physical Education, Hanshan Teachers’ College , Chaozhou 521041 3 P.E Department,Changde Teachers’College, Hunan Changde 415000 Abstract: Adopting the visiting, investigation and study to 1600 college students in 16 average universities in Hunan Province. The study showed that there are mainly 7 ill living habits affecting college students’ health: 1.without having breakfast; 2.uncontrolled night life; 3.buring the midnight oil; 4.lack of sleeping time; 5.uncontrolled eating and drinking, resulting in the adding of the smoking and drinking men; 6.unsanitary living habits in rooms; 7.unplanned physical training etc. All of which can affect college students’ health and study severely. Therefore, this paper proposes that every university, on one hand, set strict demands on the administration system, strengthen ideological education, pay attention to the work of healthy education and sanitary protection, so that students can realize their harm and the preventing measures; on the other hand, prevent and root out strickly the spreading and overflowing of ill living habits, so that present-day college students can put themselves into the nervous study life, with the sound bodies and high vigours. Key Words: college students health ill living habits 1.前言 大学生的健康问题是不可忽视的重要问题[1],早在新中国成立之初,毛泽东就多次提出“健康第一,学习第二”的教育要求,提倡“身体好、学习好、工作好”。当今大学生的健康问题越来越引起国家领导和有关部门的高度重视,《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》指出:“


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