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英语资料   what在英语中是个很常用的词。我们知道它能用作疑问词,引导特殊疑问句,在句中做主语﹑表语或宾语;又能用作连接代词(或复合关系代词),引导主语从句﹑表语从句或宾语从句;还能用作疑问形容;词,只作定语并可表示感叹。对于这些常规的用法本文就不一一赘述,现就what在高中英语中的某些特殊用法归纳如下:  1. what=just as,意为“恰像,犹如,好比”用作连词,引导比较状语从句。 ; ⑴ 惯用句式是:A is to B what C is to D. 意为“A对B而言正如C对D一样”例如:  ① Air is to us what water is to fish. 空气对于我们;犹如水对于鱼。(介词to 表示两者的关系)  ⑵ 也有“A is for B what C is for D.”句式。例如:  ② Poultry is for the cook what canva;s is for the paint. 厨师离不了家禽正如画家离不开画布一样。(介词for表示“供…使用”)  ⑶ what 引导的从句也可以放在句首,其句式是:What C is to D,that;A is to B.(= A is to B what C is to D.)  在这一结构中,喻体在前,主体在后,相当于“just as…,so…”结构,意思也是“A对B而言正如C对D一样”例如:;  What blood vessel is to a mans body,that railway is to transportation.(=Just as blood vessel is t;o a mans body ,so Railway is to transportation.)  铁路对于运输,好比血管对于人体一样。  2. what 与do with连用,意为“(怎样)处理﹑;安排或对付等”。what常有较灵活的翻译,常用结构是:“what …do with sth./sb.?”或“what to do with sth./sb.” 例如:  ① What will you;do with the letter? 你将把那封信怎样处理?  ② The kids do not know what to do with themselves on rainy days.  ;孩子们不知道雨天干什么好。  注意:do with 与deal with同义,但搭配不同:do with只能与what搭配,而deal with可与不同的疑问词搭配。比较:  ③ How will y;ou deal with the letter?你将那封信怎样处理?  ④ You may have some idea of what the astronauts have to deal wit;h if you try to drink a glass of water while standing on your head or while just lying down.  如果你试着倒;立着或仅以躺着的姿势去喝水,就能大致体会得到宇航员必须应付什么了。  3. 问价格﹑度量﹑速度、人口﹑面积﹑门牌(汽车﹑电话等)号码等时,只能用what提问,不能用how much提问。例如:  ①;What is the cost(price)of the gold watch?这块金表多少钱?  ② What is the speed of the car?车速是多少?  ③ What is;the length(width﹑depth)of the lake?这湖有多长(宽、深)?  ④ What is the population(area)of China?中国的人口(面积)有多少(;大)?  ⑤ What money(cash) have you got? 你有多少钱(现金)?  ⑥ What is your telephone (car、room)number?  你的电话(汽;车﹑房间)号码是多少?  4.“What is …like?”的两种含义。  ⑴ 表示“情况怎样”,多指天气或气候。例如:  ① What is the weather like today?今天天气;怎样?  ② What is the climate like there?那里的气候怎样?  ⑵ 表示“像什么样,什么模样,怎样的” 指人或事物。例如:  ③ What is the camel l;ike ?骆驼是什么样子的?  ④ — What is your teacher like?— She is very kind and beautiful.  “你老师是怎


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