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外研版 高一 (1) Module 1;Listening and vocabulary ;1. correction n. 订正, 修改;校正 如: He made several corrections. 他修改了几处。 under correction 在可能有错误尚待改正的情形下 I’ll speak under correction. 我所说的话未必全对, 请指正。;;3. enjoyment ① 乐趣,享乐 如: I take/get enjoyment in/from music.我非常喜欢音乐。 ② 令人愉快的事,乐事 如: Skiing is one of my enjoyments. 滑雪是我的赏心乐事之一。 be in the enjoyment 享有, 拥有;4. fluency n. 流利;流畅 如: speak with fluency 说话流畅 fluent adj. 流利的, 流畅的, 善辩的 如: speak fluent English 讲流利的英语;5. disappointed adj. 失望的,沮丧的 ;Noun ;Noun ;通过观察我们可以看出在一个词的前面或后面加上词缀,加在前面的叫前缀,加在后面的叫后缀,就可以变成和原来动词意思相近,但是词性改变的词,这种构词法我们称为词缀法。 书上出现了一些我们常见的后缀: -ment, -tion, -able, -ing,这些后缀加在动词后面,变成和动词意思相近的名词。 关于词缀还有很多,我们会在以后的学习中遇到。;Complete these sentences. Use a suitable form of each word in the box. You can do it with your partners.;3. Mr Davies gave us a lot of _____________ ─ he made us feel really good about being there. 4. I think we all made a lot of _______ ─ in just an hour. 5. The most important thing at the beginning is _____________, getting the sounds right.;6. He had an interesting attitude to _________ ─he said it didn’t matter if we made mistakes. 7. I _____________ the teacher ─I thought the class was for people who already speak Spanish. 8. I was a bit disappointed ─she ________ everything in English.;Listen to the tape for the first time and answer the following questions.;1. What do you think the students are doing? They’re talking about a Chinese lesson that they both attended. B. They’re talking about a Chinese lesson that one of them attended. C. They’re talking about different language lessons that they attended.;2. What do you think about the lessons they attended? A. They were both happy with their lessons. B. They were both disappointed with their lessons. C. One was happy but


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