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第  PAGE 4 页 共  NUMPAGES 4 页 一、教材分析 The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new words, expressions in the part of Vocabulary and Reading. And get the students to find out the meaning of the text, then give some explanations about them , and offer practice to make students master the important words of usage.To consolidate the contents of the reading passage , students should be required to retell the text in their own words .In order to arouse students’ interest , the teacher can hold a competition. 二、教学目标 1.知识目标 Get the students to learn and grasp the following important useful new words and expressions in the part: Learn the language in this part and train the students in the reading comprehension. 2.能力目标 1) Improve the Ss’ ability in reading. 2) Train the Ss to grasp the meaning of the words from the context. 3.情感目标 Learning to love the new high school life and forming positive attitude towards language learning in new surroundings. 三、教学重难点 重点:let the students learn how to introduce their school and their school life. 难点:Know different school systems of different countries. 四、学情分析【来.源:全,品…中高*考*网】 因为这是入高中后的第一节课,学生们对于高中生活的一切都充满了好奇和兴趣,可以利用学生们的这种心理,选择一些和课本内容相关且学生感兴趣的话题进行探讨。 五、教学方法 【来.源:全,品…中高*考*网】 学案导学:见学案 新授课教学基本环节:预习检查 总结疑惑; 情景导入 展示目标;合作探究 精讲点拨;反思总结 当堂检测;发导学案 布置预习。 六、课前准备 1 学生的课前准备:预习课文,初步理解,查阅资料,尝试练习。 2 教师的教学准备:多媒体课件制作,课前预习学案,课后延伸拓展学案,分好小组。 七、课时安排 四十五分钟 八、教学过程 Step1 Check(预习检查 总结疑惑) 检查落实学生的预习情况并了解学生的疑惑,使教学有了针对性。 Step 2. Introduction (因为这是入高中后的第一节课,所以在正式开始进行教材内容之前,有必要首先介绍一下几点:介绍自己;介绍教材;介绍自己的教学方式等。) Step 3. Pre-reading activities Lead in the study of the text by carrying out the activities 1and 2 of this part. (读前活动是阅读项目的准备和铺垫,能为整个项目的学习创造气氛,激发兴趣以及指出思维方向;更为重要的是,它能训练联想、对比和归纳等认知策略。通过做选择题学习生词,培养学生用英语进行初步思考的能力,为正面阅读做准备,应引起我们教师的重视。) Step 4. Fast-reading Ask the students to read the passage quickly and then do activity 3. (训练学生快速获取知识的能力) Step 3. Detailed-reading A. Decide if the following sentences are


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