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Module 2 My New Teachers; 1.patient adj.耐心的;能忍受的 n.病人 ①A good teacher is always patient of any questions raised by his students. 一位好老师总是耐心地对待学生提出的任何问题。; ②After the earthquake,the people in the disaster waited for the rescue with patience/patiently. 地震后,灾区人民耐心地等待救援的到来。 ③Doctors should_be_patient_with patients. 医生们应该对病人有耐心。;2.avoid vt.避开;逃避;避免 (1)avoid sth.     避免,避开某物 avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 (2)escape doing sth. 逃脱做某事 get away with 逃避……责任 escape from 从……逃走 keep away from 远离;①Often we try every way possible to avoid showing our weakness. 通常,我们尽力避免表现我们的弱点。 ②Tom was lucky and avoided being punished/punishment.汤姆很幸运,避免了惩罚。 ③I dont know how they managed to get_away_with paying such low wages. 我不知道为什么他们支付这么低的工资而未受处罚。 (1)avoid后跟名词、代词或v.-ing形式做宾语,而不能跟不定式。 (2)口诀助记:直接跟v.-ing形式做宾语的词或词组: 避免错过少延期avoid,miss,delay/put off 建议完成多练习suggest/recommend,finish,practise; 喜欢想象禁不住enjoy,imagine,cant help 承认否定还考虑admit,deny,consider 逃避冒险不介意escape,risk,mind 期待成功更值得look forward to,succeed in,be worth 另外,常见的还有excuse,resist,give up,cant stand等。 With apples at 25 cents a pound,we couldnt resist taking four pounds. 由于苹果25分一磅, 我们禁不住买了四磅。;3.appreciate vt.欣赏,赞赏,对……表示感谢;感激 ①People appreciated Aunt Chens move of rescuing the little girl Yueyue. 人们很欣赏陈阿婆救起小悦悦的举动。 ②I would appreciate you sharing your umbrella with me. =I would appreciate it if you share your umbrella with me. 你能让我与你一起用你的伞的话,我将不胜感激。 ③Mary was frustrated by the lack of appreciation shown of her work. 玛丽因工作得不到赏识而灰心丧气。;4.admit vt.承认(错误、罪行等);容纳;接收;准许进入(或使用),让……享有(to);①She apologized to me and admitted having taken my umbrella by mistake. 她向我道歉??承认错拿了我的雨伞。 ②Men will not be admitted to the restaurant without a tie. 不戴领带的男士不准许进入这家餐馆。 ③As far as I know,the newly-built cinema can admit/hold/seat 5,000 people. 据我所知,新建电影院可容纳5 000人。 ④她承认犯错误了。 She admitted making a mistake. =She admitted(that)she_had_made_a_mistake. =She admitted_her_mistake.;5.immediately adv.立即,即刻 conj.一……就…… ①Hearing that Zhouqu of Gansu was flooded by mud-rock flows,the rescue



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