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欢迎各位同仁光临指导;Module 3 Music;Module 3 Music;Introduction(引入): answer the questions;Pop music; classical music; Jazz; the Beatles 流行音乐 古典音乐 爵士乐 披头士(甲壳虫乐队) Beethoven; Mozart; Lie Er; Ye Xiaogang; Jimmy Chou 贝多芬 莫扎特 聂耳 叶小刚 周杰伦 Piano violin saxophone 钢琴 小提琴 萨克斯管 Flute Yangqin Pipa ancient Zheng Xiao drums gong 笛子 扬琴 琵琶 古筝 二胡 箫 鼓 锣 ;Please look at the following pictures, and say what’s the name of the musical instrument or the musician.;guitar;saxophone;Beethoven and the Beatles ;叶小刚(中央音乐学院教授);聂耳—中国人民的艺术家;Pronounce by oneself (学生自己拼读新词汇);Teach the students to read aloud (光盘教读新词汇);Explain the words and expressions (讲解新词汇);Audience n. 听众,观众(a group of people who have come to a place to see or hear a film, performance, speech, etc ) 当我经过电影院时,我听见观众正在大声喊叫。 When I passed the cinema, I heard the audience shouting.;Choir n.合唱团(a group of singers who perform together, for example in a church or school ) Classical adj.古典的----popular/ modern Classical music Traditional music ;Compose v. 作曲 Composer n.作曲家 例:Lie Er is a great composer , who composed a famous song named “Defending the Yellow River”. 聂耳是一个伟大的作曲家,他创作了著名歌曲《保卫黄河》;Conductor n.指挥官;导体 Conduct v.指挥;导(电) The conductor is conducting his soldier to do morning exercise. 那个指挥官正在指挥他的士兵做早操。 Iron can conduct electricity easily. 铁易导电。;Jazz 爵士乐 Musician n.音乐家 Music n. 音乐,乐曲(不可数) a piece of music Musical adj. 音乐的 musical instruments乐器 Orchestra 管弦乐队 saxophone萨克斯管;Court 宫庭,法庭 Director导演,指挥官 Direct 指导 Direction 指挥;说明书(用复数);方向 Under one’s direction 在某人的指挥下 Follow the directions 按说明书 In/from all directions 向/来自四面八方;在老师的指导下,同学们算出了这道数学难题。 如果你按这个说明书服药,你很快就会好点。 当鸟儿听到枪响便向四面八方飞走了。 1. The students worked out the difficult math problem under the teacher’s direction. 2. Follow the directions to have medicine, and you will be better soon. 3. The birds flew away in all directions on hearing the sound of gun.;Genius 天才=a gifted man As Edison said, genius is 99% perspiration (汗水)and 1% inspira


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