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2014上海暑期学校(非洲项目) Shanghai Summer School 2014 (Africa Program) Shanghai Government Scholarship Program Hosted by Shanghai Normal University 为了进一步增进非洲学生对上海的了解,促进上海师范大学与非洲高校间的交流合作,推进非洲学生对中国文化的体验,我校承办了2014年上海市外国留学生政府奖学金暑期学校非洲项目。 To enhance the mutual understanding between Shanghai and more African cities, to promote the further cooperation between Shanghai Normal University (SNU) and African universities, Shanghai Summer School (Africa Program), a Shanghai government scholarship program hosted by SNU, will be held this summer. 本次非洲项目将以上海自贸试验区和中非关系为主题,除开设初级汉语读说、中国传统艺术等课程之外,另新设商务汉语和商务类讲座,并安排参观东方明珠、豫园、浦江夜游等上海名胜古迹,纺织服饰博物馆、中国武术博物馆、上海中医药博物馆等中国文化体验基地,以及其他社区活动。 The program offers courses such as primary Chinese listening and speaking, lectures on Chinese traditional arts. In addition, under the theme of Shanghai Pilot FTZ, business Chinese courses and lectures on business topics are also included in the curriculum. Shanghai city tour including Oriental Pearl TV tower, Old Town, Night Cruise on Huangpu River will be organized as well as visits to local Chinese traditional culture sites such as Textile and Costume Museum, Museum of Chinese Martial Arts, Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine and some extracurricular activities in local community. 录取的学生免学费、餐费、住宿费、景点门票和市内交通费(不包含国际机票)。 This program’s tuition is waived. Students will also be provided with accommodation on campus, visiting tickets and local transportation. (International Airfare is excluded.) 住宿标准:双人间,包括电话、电视、网络接口、书桌、衣柜、空调、冰箱和独立卫浴 Dorm: double room with internet access, telephone, TV, air-conditioning, refrigerator and bath room. 餐费标准:每天50 元/人; Meal: RMB 50 per day ※上海师范大学为本项目设置特别奖学金,凡录取学生一次性发放最高不超过5000元/人的奖学金,可用于补贴国际机票或生活费。 Shanghai Normal University offers a special scholarship (a maximum of RMB 5000/person) for international airfare or daily expenses. 时间:2014年6月29日到7月26日 Time: June 29-July 26, 2013 地点:上海师范大学 Venue: Shanghai Normal University, China 申请者应是非洲各高校注册学生,对短期上海游学感兴趣,接受汉语零起点教学,具有良好的英



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