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第  PAGE 8 页 共  NUMPAGES 8 页 英语译林牛津版选修7Unit 2学案(重点词汇讲解2) 模块七Unit 2:重点词汇讲解续 12.relief n. [C or U] (病痛,忧虑,负担等的)减轻,宽慰,救济 an international relief operation 国际救济行动relief agencies/supplies救助机构 救济品 Acupuncture anaesthesia brought relief to the patient. 减轻痛苦 Pop stars have raised millions of pounds for famine relief in Africa. 饥荒救济 To my relief ,my son arrived home safely . 令我放心的是 Relieve ?v. [T] 1) 减轻(病痛,忧虑,负担等); (使)缓解,宽慰; 救济 Emergency food aid to help relieve the famine. 缓解饥荒 2) 接替;给…换班: I'm on duty until 2 p.m. and then Peter is coming to relieve me. 14.fundamental adj. 基础的,根本的;至关重要的 Some understanding of grammar is fundamental to learning a language….是学习语言的基础 The school is based on the fundamental principle that each child should develop its full potential. fundamentally adv. 根本上 完全的 Our new managing director has reorganized the company a bit, but nothing has fundamentally changed/altered. 没有任何实质上的改变 翻译: 我认为勤奋是成功之本。 :I think that hard work is fundamental to success. 15. put through 1) put sb. through (TELEPHONE) Could you put me through to customer services, please? 2) put sb. through sth. (BAD EXPERIENCE) I'm sorry to put you through this ordea (磨难,严酷的考验). 16. decide on sth./sb. = make a decision on … I've decided on blue for the bathroom. 17. look round (somewhere/sth.) She spent the afternoon looking round the shops. 18. put off put sth. off (DELAY) 1)The meeting has been put off for a week. 2) [+ ing form of verb] I can't put off going to the dentist any longer. 19. turn up 出现,露面;卷起 1) She turned up at my house late one night. 2) The missing letter eventually turned up inside a book 3) turn sth up (FOLD) You could always turn the sleeves up. 20. fill in: 填写;填补 1) fill sth. in/out (WRITE) to fill in a form/questionnaire 2) fill in (REPLACE) Volunteers would fill in for teachers in the event of a strike. I'm not her regular secretary - I'm just filling in.. 21. split up切开;分割;分离;分担 Split (splitting, sp


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