Unit2 Language1每课一练(牛津译林版必修3).doc

Unit2 Language1每课一练(牛津译林版必修3).doc

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Unit2 Language1每课一练(牛津译林版必修3).doc

Unit 2 Language (1)    Ⅰ.单词填空 1.The bed seemed to ________ (占用) most of the room. 2.I plan to buy a new car in the next two years to ________(取代) the existing one. 3.We listened to the news with a ________(混合体) of surprise and horror. 4.He has a wide ________ (词汇量) and loves crosswords. 5.He made an ________(正式的) visit to Tokyo in March. 6.The disease threatens to wipe out the ________(整个的) population. 7.He ________(举起) the gun and fired at the enemy. 8.Im afraid getting things changed will be a hard________(过程). 9.My father speaks English with a faint Dutch ________ (腔调). 10.Well meet a lot of ________(短语) in learning a foreign language. 答案 1.occupy 2.replace 3.mixture 4.vocabulary 5.cess 9.accent 10.phrases Ⅱ.介、副词和连词填空 1.The English language is made ________ ________ the grammar and vocabulary these people brought ________ Britain. 2.Old English consisted ________ a mixture ________ their languages. 3.They brought ________ them their languages, which also mixed ________ Old English. 4.This is because English has many words and phrases ________different languages, but ________ similar meanings. 5.Many things played a part ________ the development ________ this new type ________ English. 6.However,________ the latter half ________the 14th century, English had come ________ widespread use ________ all classes in England. 7.The question ________ whether English will keep ________ changing ________ the future is easy to answer. 8.The most important contribution was ________the Normans,a French-speaking people who defeated England and took control________ the country ________1066. 答案 1.up of;to 2.of;of 3.with;with 4.from;with 5.in;of;of  6.by;of;into;among 7.of;on;in 8.from;of;in Ⅲ.翻译与仿写 1.By the 10th century, Old English had become the official language of England. 翻译: __________________________________________________________ 仿写:到二十世纪八十年代,他已经掌握了五门外语。 _________________________________________________________________ 2.Many things played a part in the develop


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