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Period 4 Reading;Section 1 Before You Read;Step 1 Dictation;;Step 3 Reading poor adj. 贫穷的;贫困的 village n. 乡村;村庄 Peking University 北京大学 graduate n. (大学)毕业生 volunteer n. 志愿者;the Ministry of Education 教育部 Chinese Young Pioneer 中国少年先锋队 rural adj. 乡下的;乡村的 area n. 地区;地域 meter n. 米;公尺 sea level 海平面 thin adj. 稀薄的;ate v. 动词 eat 的过去式 fortunately adv. 幸运地 decision n. 决定;决心 husband n. 丈夫 dormitory n. 宿舍 senior high school 高中 open up 打开;start n. 开始;开端 influence n. 影响 return v. 回来;返回 hometown n. 家乡;故乡 Greenpeace n. “绿色和平” 组织 care for 照料;照顾 border n. 边界;边境;UNICEF abbr. (= United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)联合国儿童基金会 WWF abbr. (= World Wildlife Fund)世界野生动 物基金会 danger n. 危险 ;Step 4 Reading 1. Read the key vocabulary(导学案Step 23) 2. 展示:轻松过关 ;Reading strategy: First read for meaning, not for detail. You can understand the meaning of a word you don’t know from the context.;Put these words into the correct space as you read.;1)Who is Yang Lei? _______________________________ 2)What’s the main idea of the text? A. The life in Yang Lei’s school was very hard. B. Yang Lei enjoyed helping the students in poor mountain village. C. Yang Lei’s students liked her very much. D. Helping others changed Yang Lei’s life. 3)What do you think of Yang Lei and what can we learn from her? ________________________________________; Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to you. However, it ________ the life of Yang Lei from Beijing. The Peking University graduate first went there as a volunteer on a one-year program. ;The program was started by the Ministry of Education and the Chinese Young Pioneers. Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in China’s rural areas. ; Life in the ___________ was a new experience for Yang Lei. Her village was 2,000 meters above sea level, and at


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