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Unit 2 The Environment ;Language points;2. to voice;3. waste waste在此处为名词,意为“废物,残物”。如: Industrial waste must be prevented from polluting our rivers. 千万不能让工厂的废物污染我们的河流。 Where do you put the kitchen waste? 你把厨房的丢弃物扔哪儿了?;此外,waste还可以用作动词,意为“浪费(金钱、劳力、时间等)”。如: There is no use wasting time in discussing how it happened. 讨论这件事情是如何发生的是没有用的。 You had better not waste your money on such a thing. 你最好不要在这种东西上浪费时间。;4. in addition 此外 In addition, there was a crop failure in many provinces. 此外,许多省份作物歉收。 in addition to 除了……之外(还有) In addition to such subjects, the department also taught mathematics. 除教授这些学科外,这系还开设数学课程。 ;5. wiped out;Don’t forget to wipe out the sink when you’ve finished the dishes. 洗完碗碟后,不要忘记把洗碗池擦干净。 3)wipe off 擦掉,把……从……上面擦干净 Wipe the drawing off the blackboard before the teacher sees it. 在老师看到之前,先把黑板上的图画擦干净。 ;6. large numbers of;7. lay eggs;8. effect effect意为“结果;影响” 。如: The damaged bridge is one of the effects of the typhoon. 那座损坏的桥是台风肆虐的结果之一。 The strike of the railway workers had a direct effect on us. 铁路工人物罢工对我们有直接的影响。 cause and effect 原因和结果 ;与effect相关的短语: bring … to effect = carry … into effect 实行计划等 come / go into effect 生效;(被) 实施 如: The law came into effect on April 1. 那法律于四月一日起生效。 in effect实质上, 实际上;(规则等)有效力,被实施 如: The law is still in effect. 那项法律依然有效。 ;take effect 显出效果;(法律) 产生效力。如: The medicine soon took effects. 药物马上见效。 to no effect 毫无效果地,徒然。如: We tried to persuade him to no effect. 我们设法说服他,却一点儿用也没有。 to the effect that… 大意是说:如: I received a letter to the effect that he would help me. 我收到一封信,大意是说他愿意帮助我。;9. population;注意:对population进行提问时,常用what 或 how large。如: What / How large is the population of Japan? 日本的人口有多少? 此外,population还可当作复数用,意为“全体住民,市民,国民” 。 如: The whole population of the town came out to see him. 全镇住民都出来看他。;10. grown to; The plane climbed to 25,000 feet. 飞机爬升到25,000英尺。 ⑶ grow by “净增了”,类似的表达 increase by, rise b


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