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· PAGE 6· 必修四 Unit 10 Money Ⅰ.完形填空 Do you find yourself pulling away from others,especially if youve experienced deep sadness?Maybe the most __1__ thing most of us can do is to be with people when we dont feel like being around anybody. A man whose wife died of cancer found himself wanting to be __2__.In time he dropped out of his community and __3__ all its activities.After work he returned straight home to a(n) __4__ house.His free time was spent watching TV or working in the basement. His friends became __5__.One came and invited him over for __6__ the next evening.The two old friends sat by a warm fireplace.The visitor mentioned the invitation and __7__ him to come.“You may need to allow others to share your __8__”. The man responded that he figured he was better off __9__ being around other people.He said,“Its too difficult to __10__ any more.” They sat in __11__ watching the wood burn in the fireplace.Then the visitor did an unusual thing.He took the tongs(夹子)by the fireplace,reached into the fire,__12__ a flaming ember(炭块)and laid it down by itself on the ground.“Thats you,”he said. The men sat __13__ the red-hot ember quietly.It slowly __14__ its light.Neither man looked away as the once-hot coal __15__ became cold.Then the man said,“I know what you want to tell me.Ill __16__ and dine with you tomorrow evening.” We cannot __17__ in any healthy way by ourselves.The leaf needs the branch.The branch needs the trunk.The trunk needs the roots.And the roots need the rest of the __18__.This means we are __19__.And in that connection,life and vitality(活力)are found.So next time when you are sad,dont __20__ to open your heart to others. 【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。烧红的炭块离开火炉就会渐渐熄灭,一个人脱离了群体和朋友只会变得暗淡无光。故事中的男主人公沉浸在丧妻之痛中无法自拔,将自己封闭起来,不与外界接触,生活颓废。但在朋友的劝说下,他最终重新参与到了社交活动中。                     1.A.brilliant B.necessary C.difficult D.surprising 答案 C [根据下文故事中男主人公的经历——因为丧妻之痛不愿意与人接触——可知,此处要表达的意思是:当我们不想跟别人在一起的时候,与别人在一起就是一件很“难(difficult)”的事情。下文的Its too difficult to...也是提示。] 2.A.protective


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