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第  PAGE 2 页 共  NUMPAGES 2 页 M7 Unit 3 Grammar and usage Auxiliary verbs Teaching Aims: To learn some basic information about linking-verbs. To summarize common and important linking-verbs. Step One: Definition Auxiliary verbs are used in forming tenses, moods and voices of other verbs. The verbs used for this purpose include be, do, have and modals. Step Two: Presentation 一、最常用的助动词be, have, do, shall, will, should, would 二、短语助动词 短语助动词是由两到三个部分组成其中有一个是助动词的短语,如:have (got) to, had better, would sooner/rather (… than), cannot (help) but, be (not) to, be supposed to, ought to, used to, be about to and be able to等。 1. have (got) to to 表示不得不做某事或者提出建议。否定形式表示“没有必要做某事”。[来源:Zxxk.Com] It’s raining outside. We have got to stay indoors. 外面下雨了,我们只得呆在室内。 You have (got) to get a new job. 你得找一份新工作。 You don’t have to take a bus. It’s so near.[来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K] 你不必乘公交车,很近的。 2. would sooner/rather (… than) 宁愿做某事(也不……) I would rather believe what he said was true. 我宁愿相信他说的话是真的。[来源:学科网] I would sooner/rather go by plane than take a train. 我宁愿乘飞机去而不做火车。 3. be likely to后面接动词原形。意为“很可能做”。 She is likely to arrive very soon. 她很可能马上就到。 Is it likely to snow tomorrow? 明天有可能下雪吗? 4. be supposed to表示“应该”, be not supposed to 表示“不允许”。 The students are supposed to meet at the school gate at 8 in the morning. 学生们们应该上午8点在校门口集中。 You are not supposed to be late again. 你不可以再迟到了。 5. used to “过去常常”,表示过去经常发生的动作或持续的状态。 I used to go fishing with my father on summer vacation. 我过去暑假里常常和爸爸一起去钓鱼。[来源:Zxxk.Com] I didn’t use to see a lot of her, did you? 你过去不经常见到她,是吗?[来源:Zxxk.Com] Did she use to have long hair? 她过去留长发吗? 6.be about to 后面接动词原形,意为“正要做某事”,往往与when连用,表示“正要做某事,这是发生了另外一件事。 He raised his hat and was about to speak,but she passed by as though she had never seen him before. ? 他摘下帽子,刚要讲话,她走过去,好像以前从未见过他似的。 We were about to have dinner when some guests came. ? 我们正要吃饭,这时来了一些客人。 7. be able to “能,会”,后接动词原形,可以用于不同的时态。 We were at last able to buy a car. 我们终于能买一辆汽车了。 The little girl is



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