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Wecome to the unit;We do;A person who can not see is _____ and someone who can not hear is _____. zxxk;Read the short passage on Page 1;;Braille;How do the deaf communicate with each other? ;;Hello;Hello;Thank you.;Do you believe? ;1. What can you see in picture one? 2. Are the two lines of the same length? Zx,xk 3. Can you prove that the two lines in picture 3 are straight? 4. How do you read line b?;Move or not?;Count the black dots.;What do you see in the picture?;Tree and birds or a woman’s face?;5 heads but 10 children;Why are people confused by their own eyes? Because the background or other lines confuse the eyes. Also, what we expect to see can change what we see. Actually it’s more the brain that is confused than the eyes.;Do you know about some people who have made great achievements even if they have lost one of their senses ? ;Beethoven, who lost his hearing in 1801 and in 1824 became completely deaf, completed the Ninth Symphony.;阿炳;…At times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things. If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight. Yet, those who have eyes apparently see little. …, but it is a great pity that in the world of light and the gift of sight is used only as mere convenience rather than as a means of adding fullness to life. Oh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for three days! ;;Three days to see; 我的心不时在呐喊,带着对光明的渴望。既然仅仅通过触摸就能使我获得如此多的喜悦,那么光明定会展示更多美好的事物啊。可惜的是那些有眼睛的人分明看到很少,… …,但是在光明的世界里只把视觉用做一种方便的工具,而不是丰富生活的工具,这是令人多么遗憾的事情啊。 噢,假如我拥有三天光明,我将会看见多少事物啊! ;Fill in the blanks with words that have something to do with “senses”.;Useful Expressions;Homework



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