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第  PAGE 3 页 共  NUMPAGES 3 页 睢宁县菁华高级中学“四步教学法”课时教学设计 年级 组别高一英语组审阅 (备课组长)审阅 (学科校长)主备人使用人授课时间课 题Unit3Task Giving a talk about a historical event ( 36课时)课 型新授课课标 要求Learn to read and write a speech教 学 目 标知识与能力学会怎样写一篇演讲稿过程与方法以口语练习为铺垫把学生带入特定的语言情境中,辅以与故事讲述相关的技巧训练,并通过小组讨论和口、笔头表达等一系列的课堂学习活动,使学生学会熟练自由地运用英语。情感、态度与价值观充分发挥学生的想象力,能正确表达自己的想法教学 重点How to write a speech教学 难点How to write a speech fluently教学 方法自主学习,师生、生生讨论,共同探究教学程序设计教学 过程 及 方法环节一 明标自学过程设计二次备课Learning aims: 1. Master the writing skills about a report on body language. 2. Write a speech about “what can we do for our school?” 教 学 过 程 及 方 法环节二 合作释疑 环节三 点拨拓展 (备注:合作释疑和点拨拓展可以按照顺序先后进行,也可以根据教学设计交叉进行设计)过程设计二次备课Teaching procedures: Self-study Step 1 Lead in Ask students whether they’ve seen films about historic events and introduce the topic. 【设计说明】通过热门电影引入本课主题。 Step 2 Skills building 1: listening for the main ideas Follow the steps on pages 52-53. Cooperation and discussion Step 3 Skills building 2: describing pictures 1. Show the picture of Mogao Caves and ask students what they want to know about the picture. Then give the description of the picture. Ask students to think of how to describe illustrations. Tell students how to describe illustrations. Step 4 Skills building 3 :planning an outline for a speech 1.a simple outline of a speech often includes: Organize the notes into an outline for the speech:(organize the paragraphs on P56 in to an outline for the speech) Step 5 giving your talk 1.More advice on making a speech: 教学 过程 及 方法环节四 当堂检测二次备课Finish the writing concerning the workbook on the page 97..课堂 小结Master the writing skills Write a speech课后 作业Preview the text on the page 58 59 and new words.板书 设计Write a speech Task write a speech 课后 反思


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