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第 PAGE 5页(共 NUMPAGES 5页) Unit 2 The environment Period One Welcome to the unit Reading(Ⅰ) 基础落实 Ⅰ.课文理解 1.What is the focus of the debate according to the text? A.Developing economy is the most important. B.Preserving the environment is the most important. C.The relationship between the environment and the economy. D.The factories which cause much pollution to the environment should pay higher taxes. 2.According to the environmentalist Lin Shuiqing,there are mainly________causes responsible for the environmental destruction.   A.five B.two C.three D.four 3.We can infer that both sides agree on the point that________. A.people should cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy B.recycling will help in both the fields of economy and environment C.it is very important to reduce the amount of jobs D.we need more effective laws to preserve the environment 4.An economist is often seen as________the environment,but in fact they often work________with many environmentalists. A.being for;side by side B.being in;hand in hand C.being at;against D.being against;side by side 5.We can predict that the debating show would be probably part of a(n)________programme. A.economics B.entertainment C.films and plays D.military Ⅱ.根据课文内容填空 The economy or the environment—must we choose?Lin ShuiqingQian LiweiVast areas of the world are damaged by 1.________ waste. Many places have been destroyed and many plants and animals have died. Factories produce large 2.________ of harmful chemicals. The waste goes into the 3.________ and flows into our water. Many rivers are full of chemicals and many sea creatures are killed.Being 4.________ as being against the environment.Much sea life is being 5.________ by fishing boats.Knowing that a healthy environment and 6.________ should be possible at the same time.Human beings keep producing more and more people who need more land


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