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 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II 微电影“辻”—前期设计 北京大学 东方剑 内 容 摘 要 随着现代社会的不断发展和生活节奏不断的加快。人们的注意力以及时间均成碎片化趋势,在这种大的背景下微电影、微博、微信、微小说等一系列“微型事物”产生。作为广告与电影跨界产物的微电影一出便凭借其互动性、时效性、针对性等特点受到广告界的追捧,成为当下最炙手可热的营销模式。微电影《辻》主要反映的是像我们这样即将步入社会的大学生,在职场上可能会遇到类似这种问题的一种真实反映。像我们这样的90后,喜欢出风头、自私、爱逞强,所以利用这样的题材进行延展,真实的反映现实中的情景,从中告诉我们一些为人处世的道理,也是我们以后会面临的问题。前期的剧本也是经过了多次修改,从一开始小组成员开始讨论剧本的核心开始,也换过了许多剧情,考虑了多方???的问题,考虑到拍摄的可能性、拍摄的局限性,怎样突出剧情,也参考了一些视频资料,最终才定下来的,中间也出过许多小插曲,不过最后我们还是尽我们所能把微电影给完成了。运用大学四年所学的专业知识,独特的拍摄技法,后期剪辑制作,剧本的创作,对此进行拍摄与后期制作进行了详细阐述。 关键词:微型事物 反映 剧本 拍摄 Micro film Tsuji - a preliminary design Abstract With the development of modern society and the acceleration of the pace of life. Trend of peoples attention and time pieces, in the context of this micro-film, micro-blogging, micro-credit, micro-novels and a series of mini. As an advertising micro films with the film cross-sector product a with its interactive, timeliness, pertinence features sought after by the advertising industry, becoming one of the hottest marketing model. Micro mainly reflects the movie he is approaching community college students like us, may encounter similar problems in the workplace a reality. After the like us, like the limelight, selfishness, and love to be brave, so using that theme extended, a true reflection of real-life stories, to tell us and acted out of principle, we will face problems. Early of script is after has times modified, from a began group members began discussion script of core began, also for had has many plot, consider has many of problem, consider to shooting of possibilities, and shooting of limitations, how highlight plot, also reference has some video information, eventually only set down of, Middle also out had many small episode, but last we also is do we by can put micro-movie to completed has. Use of four years at the Universitys expertise, unique shooting techniques, post production, script writing, filming and post-production of this is described in detail. Key words: Micro t


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