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;Don’t cross that rope!;;entry 进入许可 No entry 禁止入内 No wonder 难怪,不足为奇 no good 不合适的,不方便的 missing 失踪的,找不到的 downstairs 位于楼下的,往楼下 punish 惩罚,惩处;There are some signs we can see in our daily life. Do you know their meanings?;No smoking;No swimming;薛蹬省锈垣奠弘筏戈馋巨今识糠预滥穆沾除卖原福锋鸵削配帛铣图蜕戎象初中三年级英语上册第一课时课件初中三年级英语上册第一课时课件;1、;Work in pairs. ;1. Where did Lingling find the guide? She got it from the Internet. 2. How many people are going to the museum on Saturday? Three (Betty, Lingling and Daming).;;3. Listen to the conversation on page 34 and answer the questions.;Now check (√) the rules mentioned in the conversation.(page35);No shouting, please! It’s against the rules.;;Sorry. No photos. See? ;4. Write down what you cannot do in the museum.(page35);5. Complete the passage with the words in the box.(page35) ;(3) _____ by shouting and trying to cross the (4) _____ when he planned to see a monkey with a long (5) _____. Then they discovered that Lingling’s mobile phone was (6) _______. The guard told them to go (7) __________ to the lost and found office. Lingling has to find her phone, or her mother will (8) _______ her. ;Language points;2) No + 名词 例如: No photos. 请勿拍照。 No food and drinks. 请勿饮食。 3) 祈使句 例如: Don’t make any noise. 不要吵闹。 Keep off the grass. 请勿践踏草坪。 ;2. No wonder the place is empty! 难怪这儿都没有什么人。;练习: 1. ( )Which sign means ”No photos”? A B C D;2. ( )Which of the following is a traffic sign? A B C D;看图识标志。 It means “ ______ ________”. This sign means“ ______ ______”. You mustn’t _________ it. It means“No_________”. 5. It means “No_____________”.;本课时主要短语和句型;;II. 根据句意完成下列句子。;1. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2. 2. Search for some information about the Science Museum in London.;Thank you!


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