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unit4;Period 1;学习目标:;Game;What can you see in my room?;What’s this? It’s a …;Let’s learn;Where’s Tom? ;Where’s Tom? ;Where’s Tom? ;in;Let’s chant;Warming-up ;Where’re the rulers? They’re on the sofa.;Pairwork Where’re the… … ?;Match the words with the pictures. 1.table______ 2.bed_________ 3.bookcase_____ 4.sofa_______ 5.Chair___ 6.schoolbag____ 7.books________ 8.keys__________ ;Pair work;Where’re the ……?;;;Where ___ the books ? _______ in the ______.;Where’s the pen? It’s in /on /under the desk. Where’re the rulers ? They’re in /on /under the chair.;Memory challenge(记忆挑战);Memory challenge(记忆挑战);Object(物品);Object(物品);借跋碗匈酸壶盲钥斤锗赋鞍仇勃露寥溢陀坤噎燎恳腰像咀拖失串惋旷豌低初中一年级英语上册第一课时课件初中一年级英语上册第一课时课件;我们要掌握:;Thank you ;Period 2;学习目标:;Where’s Sally? She’s in/on/under/behind/near the box. ;Where’s Sally? She’s … the box. ;方位介词: on in under behind in front of;Is the schoolbag on the sofa? Is the clock on the table? ;Are the books on the sofa? Are they in the bookcase? ;Is the schoolbag on the sofa? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.;Be + 主语 +介词短语?询问某物或某人在某处吗? Be动词的变化随主语的单复数而变化。 当某人或某物是单数时, be动词用is; 回答为Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 当某人或某物是复数时, be动词用are; 回答为Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.;Guessing Game:;It’s near the table.;;Where’s the baseball? Is it on / in / under / …?;Where are the plants? Are they on / in / under / …?;Where are the books? Are they on / in / under / …?;;2;1;Period 3;学习目标:; ;1.This is my grandfather’s room. 2.That is my parents’ room 3.These are my sister’s and brother’s rooms. 4.Children like Children’s Day. 5.Tom is Mike’s friend. 6.Alice’s parents are in China. ;排列下列句子组成对话 ;Make up your conversations:(编对话);Make up your conversations:(编对话);Where are his parents?;; 这是我的房间。 一盆植物在我的书桌上, 椅子在书桌下, 书包在椅子上吗?对。 我的书在我的书柜里。 我的照片哪儿去了? 它在墙上(wall)。 我的房间很漂亮。;; 情况 ? ;(单)This is a book;写出下列句子的复数形式: This is my friend. That is his parent. Is she your sister? Is this a photo? Yes, it is. No, she isn’t.;( )1.一 ______is the backpack? 一It’s on the table. A. What B.Where C. How


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