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赵新:脱丙烷精馏塔设计(C3产品浓度99%) -  PAGE 36 -  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 摘 要 化工生产中做处理的原料、中间产物有若干组分组成的混合物,在化工、炼油、医药、食品即环境保护等工业部门,精馏过程在能量计的驱动下,气液两相多次直接接触和分离,利用气液两相各相份挥发度不同时挥发组分由液相向气相转移,实现原料混合物中各组分同时进行传质传热过程。塔设备是一种重要的单元操作设备。它的应用面广、量大。据统计,塔设备无论其投资费用还是所消耗的钢材重量,在整个过程设备中的比例都相当高。例如,在化纤装置中,塔设备投资比例为44.9%;而在年产4.5万吨丁二烯装置中,塔设备重量的比例高达54%之多。随着石油、化工的迅速发展,塔设备的合理造型及设计将越来越受到关注和重视。 化工生产常需要进行液体混合物的分离已达到提纯或回收有用组分的目的。互溶液体的分离有多种方法,精馏就是其中最常用的一种。精馏塔是一种利用两组分的挥发度差异实现连续的高纯度分离的设备。其中,回流是构成气、液两相接触传质的必要条件,也是精馏之区别于蒸馏所在。 本文设计的是脱丙烷精馏塔。首先,根据已知的产品回收率进行了工艺计算,包括流程的确定、物料衡算、最小回流比的确定、最小理论塔板数的确定、塔板效率和实际塔板数的确定等。然后对其结构进行了设计并得出流体力学计算结果。综合以上设计及计算又得到塔的负荷性能图,以便对其性能有一个直观的了解。本文最后对塔的附件进行设计并按照有关标准对其主要的部件进行强度和稳定性校核。在完整地确定出结构和尺寸后,利用pore绘制了塔的主要零件图和塔的整体结构图。 关键词:精馏塔;工艺; 校核 -  PAGE 37 - Abstract Tower is an important unit operation equipment in industries such as chemical engineering, oil refining, medicine, food and environmental protection. It is used widely. According to statistics, tower equipment, regardless of their investment costs or the amount of steel or the weight of equipment in the process, accounts for very . For example, in the fiber installations, the tower facility investment ratio is 44.9%. In an annual output of 45,000 tons of butadiene units, the ratio of the weight of tower equipment is as much as 54%.With the development of the petroleum, chemical industry is developing rapidly, reasonable design of the power will become more and more concerned. Chemical production often requires the separation of liquid mixtures that or recovery purposes. There are many ways of liquid separating. Distillation is one of the most commonly used. The use of distillation column is a two-point difference in the achievement of continuous volatility of the separation of constitutes a gas, liquid two-phase mass transfer contact with the necessary conditions for the distillation is distilled from the is designed in this article. First of all, the basis of known products of the process is used to calculate the recovery rate.


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