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;People always want to go to good schools, but what makes a school good? ; good learning environment high quality teaching 3. broad and flexible curriculums (课程) 4. some activities related to real-world work; sit around tables;1. To understand the conversation with regard to “school” 2. To compare two schools, using both; one…but the other… 3. To learn to stress the words ;接龙;sports ground;Work in pairs and talk about your school. For example:;Listen and complete the sentences.;Tony and his friends are talking about something they are interested in. Listen and read. Finish the following tasks.;Task 1;Look through the conversation and complete Susie’s column in the table.;Read the passage and answer the questions.;Role-play;Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.;Language points;2. So ours is a bit bigger. 所以,我们的班级要大一些。;3. I hope I can visit Susie’s school one day. 希望我有一天可以去苏西的学校。;If you drive so fast, you’ll run down someone some day. 你要是开得这么快,总有一天会撞伤人的。 ;Pronunciation and speaking;;Read and predict which words the speaker is likely to stress.;Complete the Your school column in the table.;? what both schools have Both schools have sports grounds. ? what one school has but the other does not Our school has a big library , but Susie’s school doesn’t.; Both schools are very nice. Both schools have a few science laboratories, a music room, a swimming pool and a huge sports ground. Our school has a big library, but Susie’s school doesn’t. Susie’s school has a hall for concerts, but our school doesn’t. There are 64 pupils in a class in our school, but there are only 30 pupils in a class in Susie’s school.1;本课时主要短语和句型;Now 2 mins to test your spelling.;;Ⅱ. 选择正确的一项完成句子。 1. — Does your mother often wash clothes for you? — No. I always wash them _______ (I / myself). 2. Your room is as big as _______ (me / mine). 3. Only ________ (few / a few) of the children can work out the problem. 4. There are three foreign students


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