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金太阳新课标资源网  HYPERLINK  第  PAGE 5 页 共  NUMPAGES 5 页 金太阳新课标资源网 HYPERLINK  Period 2 A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language Introduction In this period students will be acting out the text first. Then they shall go on to learn about all kinds of passive voice, focusing on its present continuous uses. After that they may be asked to do the word and structure exercises on pages from 28 and 29. Objectives ■ To help students learn about The Present Progressive Passive Voice To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions To help students discover and learn to use some useful structures Procedures 1. Warming up summing up all kinds of passive voice The grammar focus of this unit is the present progressive passive voice. To better understand it let’s make a list of the makings for all the passive voices. 被动语态的种类和构成be (was, were) + done; will (shall) + be + done; have (has) + been + done; be (am, is, are) + being +done; be (was, were) + being + done; had + been + done; would + be + done; shall (will) + have been + done; should (would) + have been +done2. Acting a text play We shall put our text HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE on stage, that is, to act out our story. Now let’s welcome the class acting team to put on their text play HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE! A text play(课本剧)of HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE Daisy: (waking) Who are you? Why are you here in my bedroom? Chair: Excuse me. I am the famous Flying Chair. Daisy: What are you here for? Chair: I am here to take you on a trip. Where would you go? Daisy: I’d like to see animals that gave furs to make this sweater of mine. Chair: During the history of the earth there have lived on the earth many, many kinds of animals. But many have disappeared because of various reasons. Daisy: Yes, you are right. I learned from books that tens of millions of years ago, a rare new species of dinosaur, a bird-like dinosaur, came int



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