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xxxx市“十二五”初中英语教师90学时集中培训学员 教学设计 教材( xxxx)学校: 英语 学科 选自 2006 年 6 月出版的 人民教育 出版社教材 七 年级 上 册主题课题:Review of Units 7-12 (第 3 课时)Review of Units 7-12 Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aims: 1) Ss can use the following words and expressions: America , so, China , before , hobby , today , life , in America , in China 2)Ss can use the following sentence patterns: It’s very exciting to have a Chinese friend. Please write and tell me about your life in China. 2. Ability aims: Enable students to know about American life. 3. Emotion aims: Communicate with your friends , talk about the everyday life , the hobbies, favorite movies and so on. Important difficult points: Write letters to friends to introduce yourselves. Teaching aids: Write a letter. Teaching design: Step 1 Warming-up Greet with the Ss Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. See a movie . 2. T: Dou you likes movies ? Ss: Yes, we do. T : Me too, and I like comedies because I think they are funny . T : How about you ? What kind of movies do you like and why ? S1: I like … because they are … S2: I like … because they are … T : How about the subject s? What’s your favorite subject ? Why ? S3: My favorite subject is …, because it is … … 2. Pairwork. ① . What kind of movies do you like ? Why ? ②What are your hobbies ?( Can you play basketball ? Can you play the guitar ,the trumpet ,or… ?) ③What’s your favorite subject ? Why ? ④Who is your favorite teacher ? Why ? 3 .A guessing game : Everyone writes a short passage , others guess who he/she is. 4.(Show a picture of a boy . ) T: Today I will introduce a new friend , Jim . He is from … Ss: America! T: So ,he is an … boy Ss: He is an America boy. Step 3 Listening Read after the tape one by one .Teacher helps read and spell the new words. Step 4 practice 1.After listening ,answer the five questions. 2.According to 5a, please fill in the form, and then retell. 3.Four tasks. Task A: True or False . Task B. Fill in the blanks .Task C: Ans


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