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基因组学与应用生物学,2010 年,第 30 卷,第 3 期,第 379?384 页 Genomics and Applied Biology, 2010, Vol.30, No.3, 379?384 数据分析 An Analysis 12 个物种 miR?302 基因簇的生物信息学分析 崔亚茹 1 张坤山 2 罗玉萍 1 李思光 1,2* 1 南昌大学生命科学与食品工程学院, 南昌, 330031; 2 同济大学医学院, 上海, 200092 * 通讯作者, 摘 要 很多 microRNA (miRNA)基因在基因组上聚集排列形成 miRNA 基因簇。miRNA 基因簇在进化上 较为保守,有其特殊的生物学意义。miR?302 基因簇在胚胎干细胞中特异表达,对胚胎干细胞的自我更新和 多潜能维持有重要的作用。本文采用 miRBase 数据库查询和 BLAST 同源搜索方法共搜寻并分析了 12 个物 种的 miR?302 基因簇。生物信息学分析表明,这些物种 miR?302 基因簇均位于 LARP7 蛋白基因的内含子 区,但转录方向与 LARP7 基因转录方向相反。序列相似性分析显示,同一物种 miR?302 簇成员间以及不同 物种相应 miR?302 簇成员间相似性均较高。进化分析表明,基因复制可能是 miR?302 基因簇进化的主要 驱动力。 关键词 基因簇, miR?302, 分子进化 Bioinformatics Analysis of miR?302 Gene Cluster from 12 Different Species Cui Yaru 1 Zhang Kunshan 2 Luo Yuping 1 Li Siguang 1,2* 1 College of Life Sciences and Food Engineering of Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330031; 2 College of Medicine of Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092 *Corresponding author, DOI: 10.3969/gab.030.000379 Abstract There are many miRNA genes clustered in genome. miRNA gene cluster is highly conserved in evolu- tion, with its special biological significance. miR?302 gene cluster, an embryonic stem cell-specific miRNA clus- ter, plays an important role in maintenance of stem cells self-renewal and pluripotency. In this paper, we analyzed the molecular evolution of miR?302 gene cluster from 12 different species. Bioinformatics analysis showed all of miR?302 gene clusters in these species were located in introns of LARP7 genes, but transcripted in opposite direc- tion. Sequence identity analysis suggested the high identity of the different members of the miR?302 gene cluster of the same specie and the corresponding members of the miR?302 gene clusters among different species. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that the miR?302 gen


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