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免费?宅在家学英语?怎么报名? 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程: HYPERLINK /ielts/xd.html /ielts/xd.html(报名网址) Books and Arts; Book Review;Nuclearwarfare;Conscientious objector;   文艺;书评;核战争;良心反对者;   Keeper of the Nuclear Conscience: The Life and Work of Joseph Rotblat.   持有核良知的人:约瑟夫·罗特布拉特的工作与生活;   Many of the scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project, Americas programme to build an atom bomb during the second world war, had misgivings about their work. After the detonation of the first test bomb in 1945, Robert Oppenheimer, the programmesdirector, later claimed to have recalled a line from Hindu scripture: “I am become death, destroyer of worlds.” His colleague Kenneth Bainbridge was pithier: “now were all sons of bitches,” he muttered.   在二战期间从事原子弹制造的曼哈顿计划中,有很多科学家对自己所做的事情满怀忧虑。1945年第一课原子弹试爆之后,该计划的执行官罗伯特奥本海默引用了印度经文的一句话:“我将成为死神,万物的毁灭者。” 而他的同僚肯尼斯 班布里奇更为直截了当:“如今我们都是狗杂种了。”   Joseph Rotblat, a Polish-born physicist, had stronger reservations than most. He had beendisturbed to overhear the American general in charge of the project admit that the real point was not to pre-empt the Nazis—whose own atomic-bomb project had got nowhere—but tointimidate the Soviets, the Americans wartime allies. In 1944 Rotblat left the programme to return to Britain, where he had taken refuge from occupied Poland, and resolved to put hisexpertise to more humane use. He swapped theoretical physics for the medical kind and began a life of vigorous opposition to nuclear weapons. A friendship with Bertrand Russell, a British philosopher, led to the founding of the Pugwash conferences on nuclear disarmament.   物理学家约瑟夫罗特布拉特出生于波兰,比其他多数人都有更多的保留意见。在无意得知曼哈顿计划将军承认这项计划的真实目的不是对纳粹先发制人,而是恐吓美国战时的盟友苏联时,他心感不安。当然,纳粹的原子弹计划也不了了之。1994年罗特布拉特退出曼哈顿计划回到了英国,在那得到了已被占领的波兰的庇护,便从此致力于人道主义的事业。罗特布拉特从理论物理转向了医用类,开启了自己极力反对核武器的人生。他与好友伯兰特 罗素(英国哲学家)一道开辟了帕格沃什会议核裁军的道路。   Andrew Browns biography traces the history of both Rotblat as a man and Pugwash as a group. That dual focus is occasionally jarring—at one sta


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