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英语教材讲解(二) 九年级上册 Section D 知识点击 1. Burning gas, oil and coal creates air pollution. 燃烧煤气、石油和煤炭造成空气污染。 create v. 创建,创造,造成 如: How do I create a new file? 我该怎样创建新文档? He told me the story of how God created the world. 他给我讲了上帝如何创造世界的故事。 Create还有“产生,引起”的意思。 如: The main road was closed, creating traffic problems. 主路被封闭,引起了诸多交通问题。 2. With the increase in population and the development of industry, litter is everywhere. 随着人口的增加和工业的发展,到处都是垃圾。 (1)with … 带,伴随。在句中作状语,其反义词为without。如: With these words, the tiger jumped into the river. 说着这些话,老虎跳进了河里。 Without the sun, nothing would grow. 没有太阳,任何东西都不可能生长。 (2)industry n. 工业,产业 如: heavy/light industry 重/轻工业 She got a job in industry. ???在工厂找了份工作。 We need to develop local industries. 我们需要发展地方工业 师生互动 S:老师,主句是过去时态,间接引语也要用过去时态中的一种吗? T:一般情况是这样。但是当直接引语是客观规律(真理)时,要保持原来的一般现在时。 S:老师,我曾经看过这样一个句子:Mr. Wang told us (that) earth goes round the sun.(王老师告诉我们地球绕着太阳转。)由于地球绕着太阳转是客观规律,所有不管主句是什么时态,从句都用一般现在时。 T:你说的很对。 如: The teacher said that the earth is round. 老师说地球是圆的。 课堂作业  = 1 \* ROMAN I.句型转换 1. She said to me, “Don’t eat two much.” She asked me _____ _____ _____ too much. 2. I asked him, “Will you go shopping with me tomorrow?” I asked _____ he _____ go shopping with me _____ _____ _____. 3. Jack said, “I have finished my work.” Jack said that _____ _____ finished _____ work. 4. Mary asked the old man, “Are you from Beijing?” Mary asked the old man _____ he _____ from Beijing. 5. Linda said, “I’ll do my best to learn English well.” Linda said that _____ _____ do _____ best to learn English well. 6. Mr Li said, “I will visit you.” Mr Li said _____ _____ _____ me. 7. He said to me, “What are you going to do?” He saked me what _____ _____going to do. 8. She saidk “Ifought with him here two years ago.” She said _____ _____ fought with him _____ two years _____. 9. Miss Wang said, “the moon goes around the earth.” Miss Wang said the moon _____ around the earth. 10. Mr Smit


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