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高中英语翻译练习 (2]
1. Female students constitute the majority of our class. .(相比之下,他们班全由男生组成)
2.As our time was running out, we drove even faster (希望能够准时赶到机场).
3.(这些问题连续不断地出现)suggests that our plan should be adjusted.
4.In his recently written autobiography, (他把自己的成功归功于父母的鼓励).
5.(我们现在必须唤醒人们认识到环保的重要性),or it would be too late.
6.If he had known this would happen, (他当初也许会以不同方式行事).
7.(只要你一直努力工作),you will recall your past with satisfaction.
8.Every mother is proud of her child and (父亲也一样).
9.No one knows exactly (信息高速路的发展将把我们带往何处).
10.(他刚到家)when it started raining.
11.If I had remembered to close the window, (小偷就不会进来)
12. I’ll never forget (第一次和你见面).
13.Mary rushed into the room, (抱着一个大纸箱).
14.A minute ago the old lady (撕开信封)with great excitement.
15.My washing machine broke down this morning. (我打算明天把它送去修理).
16.The report said that the sample water had too much lead in it, (可能对我们的健康有害).
17.(信已经写完了)by the time you come back.
18.(尽管不富裕),they feel quite satisfied with their standard of living condition.
19.(我以前常去看电影),but I never get the time now.
20.The pictures make (孩子们理解文字更容易).
21.(既然你们明天才走),we can have dinner together to night.
22. In terms of experience, Mr. Green has the right stuff for the work, (但目前他的健康状况不佳).
23.(地震的破坏非常严重)that the city took decades to recover.
24.The speaker, (以精彩的演讲而闻名), was warmly received by the audience.
25.By the time you get to Greenwich (你会看到伦敦最古老的部分).
26. (那天已经不远了)modern communication becomes widespread in Chinas countryside.
27. (我以前从没见过任何人)who has the skill John has when it comes to repairing cars.
28.The second book was (完成)by this March, but two months later, the end was still nowhere in sight.
29.He set out again on his journey around the world, (尽管他的朋友们劝他不要去).
30.(学生不喜欢传统课堂的原因之一)is that students are seldom allowed to express their ideas in a traditional classroom.
31.The supermarket sells various kinds of things, (从衣物食品到电脑游戏)
32.The new type of machine has been put in service, (让我们年底完成工程成为可能)
33. It is true that humans have
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