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The beauty of writing;阅卷老师喜欢的句子;Non- finite Verbs in writing 非谓语动词在写作中的应用;非谓语动词是指在句子中不是谓语的动词,主要包括不定式、动名词和分词(现在分词和过去分词),即动词的非谓语形式。非谓语动词除了不能独立作谓语外,可以承担句子的其他成分 ; 1. Seeing from the top of mountain, the city is beautiful . 2. In my opinion, climb mountain is an enjoyable thing. 3. —Which team is good at cooking? —A team called itself the supper cook. ;1. When she heard the news, she burst into crying. _________ the news, she burst into crying. 2. Australia is located on the west coast of the Pacific. Australia is the largest country in Oceania. Australia, ________ __________ the west coast of the Pacific, is the largest country in Oceania.;3. Though I admit what he has said, I still doubt he didn’t do his best. __________ ________ ________ _______ _________, I still doubt he didn’t do his best. 4. Because I missed the bus, I went to school late. ________ ________ __________, I went to school late. ;5.When I was walking in the street , I saw him. _____________ in the street , I saw him. 6.If you work hard, ________________hard , you will succeed. ;7.Although he had failed many times , he didn’t lose heart. ________________many times , he didn’t lose heart. 8.As she was scolded by the teacher, the girl sat there without lifting her head. _____________________ ,the girl sat there without lifting her head. ;例文: Getting back what you have lost would be an unforgettable experience. Last Monday, I lost my expensive cellphone, on which my name was inscribed(刻). Fortunately, it was returned. That morning, I rushed out of my house and jumped into a taxi, for I would be late for the final examination. On arriving at school, I headed to my classroom quickly, not noticing that I had left my cellphone on the back seat. ;play music;___________ by the reporter from CCTV, the man said he was very happy. (interview) ;e.g. Having finished my homework, I went on to help m


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