
Characteristics of Chinese prose.pptx

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Characteristics of Chinese prose

The Characteristics of Chinese Proses;The definition of Chinese prose;Three types of prose -according to the function;The Characteristics of Chinese Proses --Form with flexibility ;The Characteristics of Chinese Proses --Form with flexibility ;The Characteristics of Chinese Proses --Form with flexibility ;4.Write the true self 自我的写真性;席慕蓉的《种种可爱》中:“作为一个小市民有种种令人生气的事——但幸亏还有种种可爱,让人忍不住的高兴。中华路有一家卖蜜豆冰的——蜜豆冰原来是属于台中的东西,但不知什么时候台北也都有了...” XiMurong from the perspective of an ordinary citizen, enumerates the mysteries of street, those show the author loves the life deeply, from ordinary things found in the bright spot. 席慕蓉从一个小市民的视角,列举了市井的种种现象,说明作者热爱生活,别具慧眼,从平凡的小事中发现“亮点”。;At the same time, the writeralso should pay attention to the life experience and feeling, this can bring readers thinking and enlightenment. 写作者的真实感受的同时也要注重对人生的体验和感悟,可以给读者带来思考和启迪。;如:杏林子的《朋友和其他》中: 也越来越觉得,人生一世,无非是尽心,对自己尽心,对所爱的人尽心,对生活尽心,既然尽心了,便无所谓得失,无所谓成败荣辱,许多事情便舍得下,放得开,包括人事的是非和恩怨,金钱与感情的纠葛,懂得舍、懂得放,自然春风和煦、月明风清。 ...... 已经过了大喜大悲的岁月,已经过了伤感流泪的年华,知道了分别原来是这样自然和顺理成章的事,懂得了这点,便懂得珍惜相聚的温馨,分别便也欢喜。 The author through inviting friends to her home and enjoy expressing the feeling of life. 作者通过在邀请朋友在家小聚,抒发对人生的感悟.;5.The Object is generalized 写作对象的广泛性;From the point of view of prose writing practice,the writing object can be divided into four categories: 从散文的写作实践来看,散文的写作对象可分为四类:;(2)things 事 The “things” in the prose is different to the imaginary story of the novels, the “things” in the prose is the real things. 例如: 蔡元培《我在北京大学的四年》-------往事追忆 鲁 迅《从百草园到三味书屋》------童年乐趣 朱自清《荷兰》------异域见闻 阿 英《海上买书记》-------购书甘苦;(3) scene 景 The prose of scene is not the poetry in the narrow sense, but general scenery. Natural scenery, cultural landscape and local flavor, can be included in the scope of prose writing. 散文中的“景”不是诗歌中的狭义的风景,而是广义的风景。 自然风光、人文景观、地域风情,都可以纳入散文的写作范围。; 例如: 王羲之《兰亭集序》-------暮春兰亭 钟敬文《西湖的雪景》-------西湖雪景 郁达夫《故都的秋》-------北国秋韵


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