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高温缓凝剂TR-17L 概述 TR-17L是一种新型液体中高温缓凝剂,具有优良的抗温性能。TR-17L对API各级水泥的适应能力较强,对水泥石强度发展无不利影响,特别适合于深井尾管固井作业及高温水泥塞/挤水泥施工,在尾管封固段较长的条件下顶部水泥石能获得较好的强度发展。TR17L加量与稠化时间、温度三者之间有较好的线性关系,稠化时间有较好的可预测性。TR-17L具有良好的抗盐能力,与其它外加剂配伍性好,不破坏降失水剂的性能。TR-17L在高温下对水泥浆有轻微分散作用,可配合使用防沉剂TAS153/TAS157满足水泥浆的高温沉降稳定性要求。 物理性质 物态:液体 颜色:棕黑色 密度:1.20±0.03 g/cm3 PH值:6-7 适用条件 温度:93-204℃(BHCT) 水泥:API 各级水泥 水质: 淡水、海水、盐水 使用方法 一般加量:0.5-5%(BWOC) 加法:配浆水湿混 注意事项 添加时宜配戴防护眼镜及橡胶手套。该产品建议不要与其它湿混外加剂同时加入配浆水,宜顺序加入。如不慎溅入眼睛或皮肤接触,可及时用水冲洗,如有严重不适可就近就医。 保质期 有效期:2年。超过保质期使用前需进行检验予以确认是否可用。 包装及存放要求 一般采用25kg塑料桶包装,亦可按用户要求进行包装。应贮存于阴凉通风处,存放高度不宜超过3层。 咨询电话:022TR17L /Cement high temperature retarder Description TR17L Cement Retarder Additive is an upper mid-range to high-temperature cement retarder,It is a liquid cement retarder and typically added to the mixing water prior to preparation of the cement slurry. TR17L provides excellent 24-hour compressive strength when cured at BHCT,it shows excellent linear relation between thickening time and concentration.TR17L extends the thickening time of the cement slurry to provide sufficient time for placement,it has a mild dispersing effect on the cement slurry that reduces the concentration of dispersant required and inhibits premature slurry gelation with most cement slurries. TR17L Cement Retarder Additive improves the performance of most fluid-loss agents and is particularly beneficial when used with synthetic polymer additives. Application ? TR17L is fully compatible with all classes of API cement including classes A, B, C, G and H. ? Fresh water and salt water based slurries can both be prepared using TR17L. It may be used with other cement additives such as fluid loss additives, silica flour, dispersants, defoamers and weighting materials. Typical Range of Use TR17L is designed to give economical, reliable retardation of oil well cements in the BHCT range from 200oF (93°C) to 400oF (204°C). As cement itself varies in its response to any retarder, Pilot testing must be performed w


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