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1.settle v. 解决;处理;决定;定居;平静下来 ①The two boys settled their quarrel in a friendly way. 那两个孩子以友好的方式解决了纷争。 ②We have settled who will pay for the meal. 我们已经定了由谁来付饭钱。 ③They settled in America in 1999. 他们于1999年在美国定居。;知识拓展 1)settled down 定居下来;平静下来 ①He settled down as a farmer with his family. 他和家人安顿下来务农。 ②Wait until the excitement has settled down. 等到兴奋的情绪镇静下来再说。 2)settlement n. 解决;处理;住宅区 a lasting settlement of the troubles 一劳永逸的解决纠纷的办法 achieve/reach a settlement 达成协议 in settlement(of sth.) 对(债务等的)清偿;①The strikers have reached a settlement with the employers. 罢工的人已经同雇主达成了协议。 ②I enclose a cheque in settlement of your account. 兹附支票一张以结清贵处账目。;即学即用 用settle, solve的合适形式填空。 (1)It was________that she would visit us to the weekend. (2)I________ the problem he brought to us in 3 minutes. (3)They________the dispute among themselves. 答案:(1)settled (2)solved (3)settled;2.competitive adj. 好强的;好竞争的;有竞争力的 ①You have to be highly competitive to do well in sport nowadays. 如今必须有高度的竞争意识才能在体育运动中取胜。 ②Our firm is no longer competitive in world markets. 我们公司在世界市场上已不占优势。;知识拓展 compete vi. 竞争;对抗;参加比赛 competition n. 竞争;比赛;竞赛 competitor n. 竞争力;对手;参赛者 ①Five children competed in the race. 五个孩子参加了赛跑。 ②He was in competition with 10 others for the job. 为得到这份工作他与10个人展开了竞争。;即学即用 用compete的适当形式填空。 If you are________or want to win the________, you must________carefully with other________. 答案:competitive, competition, compete, competitors;3.elect 1)v. 选举某人;选择或决定 ①They elected a new president. 他们选举出一位新总统。 ②She was elected to parliament last year. 她去年被选进了议会。 ③She elected to become a lawyer. 她决定当律师。;2)adj. 当选而尚未就职的 the president elect 候任总统 注意:在“elect sb.+职位”句式中,总统、市长等独一无二的职位前不用任何冠词。;词语辨析 choose, select, elect, pick 这组词都含有“选择”之意。其区别是: 1)choose通常指在所提供的对象中,经过考虑,凭个人的判断力进行选择。 ①He chose his words carefully, hoping to avoid a quarrel. 他用词非常谨慎,希望能避免一场争吵。 ②Let me see what youve chosen. 让我看看你选了什么。;2)select指有目的地、仔细认真地选择,有“精选”的含义。 ①These stamps are carefully selected from her collection. 这些邮票是从她的收藏中挑出来的。 ②Please select a few nic



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