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Hotel English 酒店服务句型 对不起 单人间已经订完了,但是我们可以给你订双人间。I’m sorry, we have book up for the single room, but I can book you a double room instead. 去广州的机票已经订满, 不知道您是否能考虑改乘火车?all the tickets to Guangzhou have been booked up, I wonder whether /if you would consider going there by train instead. 我要负责十四间房间, 所以,除非有人提出要求, 我一般都是先整理那些客人刚结账离去的房I have a section of 14 rooms, and I always do the check out rooms first unless there is a request. 根据今天的汇率,一美圆折合人民币七元. according to today’s exchange rate, every us dollar in cash is equivalent to 7 yuan RMB 我们有综合性通讯设施和文秘服务,足以满足商务客人的各种要求。 we have comprehensive communication facilities and secretarial assistance catering to the needs of all business guests 对不起, 所有的房间都预定完了, 旺季时我们的客房出租率通常很高。 I’m sorry all the rooms are booked up. we usually have high occupancies in the peak season. 取消和逾期不自是常有的事There’re cancellations or no-show all the time 请在洗衣单上注明您的衣服是否需要熨烫,水洗,干洗或修补,同时也注明何时需要取回衣服。please notify in the laundry list whether you need your clothes ironed, washed, dry-cleaned or mended and also what time you want to get them back 赔损价格不超过洗衣费的十倍。The indemnity shall not exceed ten times the laundry charge,. 如有问题, 请随时与我们联系。please feel free to contact us if you have any questions 这是门把菜单,只要划下食物和时间,然后在你睡觉以前挂出门外。This is the door knob menu, you may check the items you would like for your breakfast and mark down the time you want it and then hang it outside your door before you go to sleep. 请参照洗衣单,你的衣服是熨烫,水洗,干洗,还是修补。以及你何时想收到衣服 。 please notify in the laundry list whether you need your clothes ironed, washed, dry-cleaned or mended and also what time you want to get them back. 请放在温肥皂水中洗,然后漂清,切勿揉搓和绞拧。Please wash it in lukewarm soap water and rinse well, don’t rub or wring it. 我要负责十四间房间, 所以,除非有人提出要求,我一般都是先整理那些客人刚结账离去的走房. I have a section of rooms, and I always do the check out rooms first unless there is a request. 请在起床后把行李放在门外务必系上行李牌。please put your baggage outside your room after fetting up and make sure that the name tag is attached to each piece of your baggage.


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