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托福写作七大万能素材之课外活动   托福写作要求考生在30分钟内写出一篇表达自己观点的作文。题目并不难,考生根据个人经历就可以回答,但30分钟的写作时间对你来说也许少了点,你可能会感到头脑空白、无从下笔,而有了思路你还可能会遇到语言表达困难,再加上你在电脑上面敲字的速度太慢,这些情况可能都会导致你最终没能在规定的时间内写完而影响成绩。再或者,你还有一周就要考试了,但你还不知道托福独立写作该如何准备,也没有足够的时间来锻炼思路拓展能力和语言表达能力,那么你真应该看看接下来前程百利小编为大家准备的托福写作七大万能素材,它们将帮你快速完成一篇从内容、逻辑到语言都堪称一流的作文,尤其是在你大脑空白的时候,从而让你在短时间内拿到托福写作高分。   本文小编主要和大家分享托福写作七大万能素材中课外活动这个话题相关的写作素材。关于课外活动,主要涉及到体育运动的好处以及社会活动的好处等两个方面的内容。下面就和大家逐一介绍这些内容。   素材一: Benefits of Sports Activities体育运动的益处   对于学生而言学习和运动常常成为争论的焦点,是应该让学生多花时间来学习,还是要劳逸结合,注重学生的身体锻炼呢?相关话题的写作素材是大家不可错过的。   Playing a sport requires a lot of time and energy. Some may think this would distract student-athletes from school work. However, the opposite is true. Sports require practice, repetition, and hard work that are directly relevant to class work. If someone can do well on sports, it is likely that he or she will have good academic record.   Also, the determination and goal-setting required in sports can be transferred to the classroom. If you can achieve something in a sport, like a fitness goal, then you know you can achieve any other goal in your studies or work. This is a very rewarding and exciting process. In addition, seeing your hard work pay off and achieving your dreams will bring about enormous self-confidence.   素材二:Benefits of Social Activities社会活动的益处   社会活动不仅能促进学生的组织能力,还能锻炼学生提早和和社会接触,遇到问题,解决问题的处事方式。   Although many people believe that extracurricular activities distract academic studies, there is an increasing amount of evidence that shows that extracurricular activities actually enhance academic performance. Extracurricular activities help develop areas of the brain that may not be fully utilized by rigorous academic work, as well as developing important skills that can transfer to academic performance, such as creative problem solving and teamwork. The way children choose to spend their free time can have a huge impact on their academic achievement, and extracurricular activities are a good way to e


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