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1. Expressions Related to Memory 2. Do You Have a Good Memory? 3. How to Remember Clearly? 4. Supplementary Activities;1. Expressions Related to Memory;Step 1 Work in pairs to explain the following expressions related to memory;It’s on the tip of my tongue. ;My head’s like a sieve (滤器). ;My mind’s gone blank (空白的). ;Go in one ear and out the other. ;Step 2 Column A contains the first lines of dialogs. Column B contains possible responses. For each opening line in Column A, choose the best response from Column B. Then work in pairs to perform each dialog. ; Column A 1) Can you believe that Anne failed the exam? She studied really hard for it. 2) I was so embarrassed. I went up to her and shook her hand but she clearly didn’t remember who I was. 3) Do you still remember where we first met each other? 4) I find physics so boring.;2. Do You Have a Good Memory? ;I can remember my parents’ birthday ____ what I had for dinner last night ____ what “hang in the balance” means ____ the names of all the students in my group ____ the year Word War II broke out ____ the last conversation I had with my good friend ____ when this term began ____ the year the first man landed on the moon ____ the face of my math teacher in high school ____;where the 1996 Summer Olympics were held ____ what I was wearing last Friday ____ the name of my English teacher ____ the smell of garlic (蒜) ____ at least 10 people’s telephone numbers ____ the population (人口) of China ____ the way to the library ____ when I last caught a cold ____ the number of students i


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