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离子型稀土原地浸矿地下水氨氮污染模拟与预测*? ?资助项目:江西省教育厅科技计划项目(GJJ14417),江西省社会科学规划项目(12YJ56),江西理工大学人文社科类科研基金项目重点课题(HSFJ2014-K09)。 作者简介:徐水太(1978-),男,汉族,江西贵溪人,副教授,博士,主要从事矿业生态环境与可持续发展研究工作。E-mail:stxu@。 徐水太,项宇,刘中亚 (.江西理工大学矿业发展研究中心·江西 赣州 341000) 摘要:在查明稀土矿山水文地质条件和开采方案确定的基础上,通过对标准矿块室内淋溶试验和现场试验确定污染源强,利用FEFLOW数值模拟软件对地下水氨氮进行数值模拟,模拟得出4组地下水氨氮浓度最大预测值,第1组位于矿块边缘为1076.22 mg/L,第2组位于超标区范围内的水井为49.18 mg/L,第3组位于外围的未超标区域内的水井为0.51 mg/L,第4组位于距离矿块最近的河流边缘点为1400.80 mg/L。并以图形输出方式定量表现出稀土矿开采过程中及开采完后地下水氨氮变化趋势及其影响范围。研究成果可为赣南离子型稀土原地浸矿制定合理的开采方案,保护矿区地下水环境提供参考依据,从而实现生态环境与经济的协调发展。 关键词:离子型稀土;原地浸矿;FEFLOW;地下水;氨氮;数值模拟 Simulation and Predication of Ammonia Nitrogen Contamination of Groundwater in Ionic Adsorption Rare Earth In-Situ Leaching Mining Xu Shuitai, Xiang Yu, Liu Zhongya (Mining Development Research Center, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China) Abstract: Based on identifying the hydrogeoglogical conditions of rare earth mines and determining the mining methods, pollution sources are determined through the indoor leaching test and field test of standard ore block; the numerical simulation of the ammonia nitrogen of groundwater is taken with FEFLOW numerical simulation software, in which the biggest predictive values of the ammonia nitrogen concentration of groundwater in1-4 groups are respectively 1076.22 mg/L, 49.18 mg/L, 0.51 mg/L and 1400.80 mg/L; the change trend and influence scope of ammonia nitrogen of the groundwater in and after the rare earth ore mining process are quantitively shown with graphical output. The research results can provide rational mining scheme for ionic adsorption rare earth in-situ leaching mining in southern Jiangxi and some references for the groundwater environment protection in mining areas, so as to realize the coordinated development of ecological environment and economy. Key words: Ion adsorption rae-earth; In-situ leaching mining; FEFLOW; Groundwater; Ammonia nitrogen; Numerical simulation 0前 言 我国的离子型稀土(或称风化壳淋积型稀土)分布在江西、福建、湖南、广东、广西、云南和浙江等南方7省,而江西赣南不但


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