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《油气田地面工程》编辑推荐文章,敬请关注! 谢谢关注! 碱在土壤中的迁移特性研究 徐兆明1,2,王宝辉1,张学佳1,岳桂淑1 (1.大庆石油学院,黑龙江 大庆 163318 2.大庆油田有限责任公司,黑龙江 大庆 163453) 摘要:通过室内土柱浇灌碱液实验,研究了不同土壤(黄土、黑土、盐碱土)在不同迁移时间、不同条件下(自然条件、模拟降雨)pH值和总碱度的变化情况,初步探讨了碱液在土壤中的迁移特性。研究结果表明,自然条件下,随着土壤深度的增加,土壤的pH值和总碱度逐渐减小,NaOH迁移深度大小顺序为:黄土黑土盐碱土;模拟降雨条件下,在盐碱土中,土壤的pH值和总碱度先减小后略增大;碱排放到土壤中,基本上都停留在表层,但土壤碱化后很难恢复,呈现持久和难处理的特点;自然条件下,在单位面积污染物高度不超过5cm时,NaOH在土壤中的迁移深度不超过11cm,模拟降雨条件下,其迁移深度不超过15cm。本研究为三元复合驱碱的使用及综合治理提供了一定参考和依据。 关键词:碱;土壤;迁移 The transferring characteristics of alkaline on the soil Xu Zhaoming1,2, Wang Baohui1, Zhang Xuejia1, Yue Guishu1 (1.Daqing petroleum institute Hei Longjiang Da qing 163318 2.Daqing Oilfield Co., Ltd.Hei Longjiang Da qing 163453) Abstract: The variation law of pH value was studied by means of soil column tester in different soils(loess, black soil, saline-alkali soil) and different time, under different conditions (natural conditions, simulated rainfall),and the transferring characteristics of alkaline was obtained. The results show that, in the natural conditions, the pH values and alkalinity gradually reduce with the increase of soil depth. The transferring depth of alkaline is largest in loess, then in black soil, the value is least in saline alkali. Under the condition of simulated rainfall, the pH values and alkalinity increase slightly after having a first decrease in the saline-alkali soil. Alkaline basically stays at the surface and is very difficult to restore when it is released into the soil, showing the characteristics of durable and tractable. The transferring depth of NaOH is no more than 11centimiters when the depth of unit area is less than 5centimiters in the natural conditions and the transferring depth of NaOH is no more than 15centimiters under the condition of simulated rainfall. This study provides a comprehensive reference and basis for the use of alkali. Key words: alkaline; soil; transferring 引言 随着社会经济持续快速增长,我国对油气需求量不断增加。因此,运用三次采油技术来提高原油采收率,已成为减缓我国油田产量递减速度、维持原油稳产的战略需要。三次采油是指通过注入其他流体和采用物理、化学、热量、生物等方法改变油藏岩石



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