中国水务产业发展与实证分析 Development of Chinese Water Supplies with Case Study.doc

中国水务产业发展与实证分析 Development of Chinese Water Supplies with Case Study.doc

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中国水务产业发展与实证分析 Development of Chinese Water Supplies with Case Study

PAGE  PAGE 84 中国水务产业发展与实证分析 Development of Chinese Water Supplies with Case Study (申请清华大学高级管理人员工商管理硕士 专业学位论文) 院(系、所):经济管理学院申 请 人:赵 增 朝指 导 教 师:廖 理 副教授 二零零四年十一月 中文摘要 随着我国社会经济的迅速发展,作为公用事业的水务行业也得到了迅猛发展,但仍不能完全满足经济持续稳定发展的要求,水务行业正面临着管理体制、经营模式的深刻变革。入世后,中国水务产业正在加快改革步伐,以适应市场化发展的要求。 本文首先中国水务行业的发展现状和趋势进行了深入分析,认为我国的水务行业存在巨大机会,尤其对民营资本而言既是机遇又是挑战。进而通过对水务上市公司所披露的经营业绩的分析,以及中外水务公司的比较,结论是水务行业具有较强的盈利能力,且有较大上升空间。 本文使用较大篇幅阐述了一家新兴民营水务公司的运作思路及经营模式,同时结合具体案例详细探讨了水务企业的并购过程、投资计划、盈利模式及风险分析。 作为公用事业,水务行业的发展离不开政府的政策支持。只有得到政府的大力支持,水务行业和企业个体才能够迅速发展。 本文对水务行业的发展和水务企业的并购运营都进行了较为深入全面的探讨,希望本文能起到抛砖引玉的作用,对于中国水务行业的健康快速发展尽一点微薄之力。 关键词:水务,发展,并购,运营 Abstract As one of the public industries, water industry develops quickly with the development of economy in China. But this industry still doesn’t match the requirement of the development of economy. It is confronted by the reform of management s元氏tem and operating method. In the first, this paper analyzes the present development and tendency of Chinese water industry. There are many great opportunities in water industry, for private companies, opportunities and challenge are appearing on the same time. Through analyzing the performance of public corporations and comparing performance between Chinese companies and foreign corporations, this paper concludes that water industry has strong ability of profit and space of development. In the part of this paper, it introduces operating and managing method of a new private company. At same time, this paper discusses mergers acquisitions, investment, profit and risk of water corporations. As public industry, water industry could not develop quickly without the support of local government and policy. All of the issue discussed in the paper is certainly concerned development of water industry and operation of water companies. It is hoped that the anal元氏is is useful to the quick development of Chinese water industry from now on. Key word: Water, development, mergers acquisitions, operation


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