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PAGE  PAGE 13 附件8 教案(备课件) 教 师 教 案 任课教师 授课专业 课程名称 英语听力教材 授课班级 授课学期 昆明冶金高等专科学校教学教案首页 课题 Book 2 Lesson 1 Under the Same Roof教学时数: 4 学时教学目标 1. Master the key words and structures, and learn to understand the different concepts of the family in modern society and the appreciation of the relationships between family members. Ask the students to listen carefully for the names of the people and their respective views and perceptions on love , marriage and other aspects of family life. 2. Focus on the key words 重点、难点 1、 Vocabulary: kindergarten nursery school kid stability discipline divorce care for coo wedding bride absorb 、atmosphere 、contain、 economic、 establish 、greenhouse 、vary、 speed up、no more than 2 、structure: It is the modern world that has speeded up… It is people themselves who are the biggest cause… 主要教学内容(提纲) 1、 Read and learn the new words; 2、 Class discussion on the topic concerning the text: Family .. 3、 Part1: A birthday present Part2: Family life then and now Part3: Father’s Day Part4: Brothers and sisters 教学方法、手段 1 、Classroom teaching; 2、 Comprehensive method. 3 Multi-media 课内外练习 A Scene from Titanic Foreign Students Series :Dormitory Living Hillary Clinton课后小结 注:1、 除个别课程因教学需要连续上课超过2个学时外,每个教案均以2学时安排。 2、 教案首页后面附上讲稿,形成本次授课的教案。 3、 学期结束教师将本学期教案汇集成册,备查。 2006年3月 1 日 昆明冶金高等专科学校教学教案首页 课题 Book 2 Lesson 2 :Smacking or Reasoning?教学时数: 4 学时教学目标 The training focus of this unit is the understanding of people’s views and opinions on family education. I will ask the students to think about the topic first so that they may listen actively and respond to the materials with a certain amounts of anticipation. Focus on the key words. 重点、难点 1、Vocabulary: pick up rebel smack reason spank adopt adolescent soap opera lenient Spare the rod ,spoil the child 2、Phrase: make trouble concentrate on stay out get mixed up pick sb up be of the opinion 主要教学内容(提纲) 1、 Read and learn the new words; 2、


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