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、| !_ 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了.. 写作高分指南:雅思写作常用三类关联词汇总 并列(and)关系类 A 排序/列举(sequencing/listing) First of all in the first place to begin with after this/that Following this/that afterwards the first (reason) is First(ly)… after that finally B 递进(reinforcing) Also besides furthermore In addition more over what’s more C 等同(equating) In the same way likewise… similarly…….. Accordingly… equally important… not only… but(also) D 总结(summarising) In conclusion in summary In short lastly To conclude to sum up finally E 举例(referring) For example for instance in particular Particularly such as that is to say Namely … a (good) case in point… to illustrate F 结果(showing results) As a result consequently hence so Therefore thereby thus for this reason Leads to cause 选择(or)类 A 推断(inferring) In other words in that case then (or) else otherwise B 替换(giving alternatives) Alternatively on the other hand then again C 重复(restating) In other words that is to say to put it simply 转折(but)类 A 比较/对比(contrasting) Conversely in comparison in contrast to this Instead nevertheless on the contrary On the other hand … whereas… … while/whilst B 让步(conceding) Afeter all all the same even if Although/though/even though however still In spite of / despite this/ that nevertheless nonetheless yet 像国外考生一样思考:雅思写作SEE原则 在 HYPERLINK /en/list_ietls_01.shtml 雅思写作中,建议考生应转换思维方式,按照国外考生的思维方式来写文章,下文中我简称为SEE原则。 S=Support E=Expression E=Example 也就是说,大家应该把观点开门见山提出来,然后进行一番解释,合适时加上一个例子。 例如:论述犯罪的一个原因时,咱们可以进行如下思路 Sup1: The first and foremost reason lies in economic factors. Exp1: Due to poverty and unemployment, some people have to commit crimes in order to survive, which are the so-called blue collar crimes. Exa1: such as theft, burglary and robbery. 一般要有两个观点,因此进行论述时,应按照SEE1+SEE2的思路来走。 希望大家能悟出其中的道理。 名师指点:雅思写作中的英汉表达差异举隅 在 HYPERLINK /en/list_ietls_01.shtml 雅思写作的教学过程中,有机会批改了大量同学的雅思作文,在这些作文当中,有大量的同学并不了解英汉两种语言的基本差别,从而以汉语思维直接照搬到 HYPE


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