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第八单元 Money remains an important motivator but organizations should not imagine that it is the only one that matters. In practice, high performers tend to take for granted that they will get a good financial package. They seek motivation from other sources. 金钱是一种重要的激励因素,但老板们不应当把钱看成是唯一起重要作用的激励因素.事实上,高效员工认为他们获得丰厚的薪酬是理所当然的.他们还寻求其他方面的动力. The challenge of the job is another essential motivator for high performers. Such people easily become demotivated if they sense that their organisation has little or no real sense of where it is going. 具有挑战性的工作对于高效员工来说是另一个关键性的激励因素.高效员工如果觉得自己服务的企业对于未来的发展方向缺乏明确的认识,他们就会丧失积极性. If they find that it is not interested in them as people but only as high performing commodities, it will hardly be surprising if their loyalty is minimal. On the other hand, if an organization does invest in its people, it is much more likely to win loyalty from them and create a community of talent and high performance that will worry competitors. 一旦他们觉得企业将自己仅仅作为高效商品来看待,而不是作为人来加以重视,他们的忠诚度一落千丈也就不足为奇了.相反,如果企业为员工的发展进行投资,就很可能赢得他们的忠诚,就能培育出高效创新的团队,这会让竞争对手感到惶惶不安. 第九单元 The World Trade Organisation has forced the European Union to phase out its old quota system that guaranteed West Indian growers market access, and theres no way she can match the rock-bottom prices最低价 of the giant US corporations that dominate the market for the worlds favourite fruit. 世界贸易组织已经迫使欧盟废除了曾经确保西印度群岛农场主进入欧洲市场的传统配额制度. 在香蕉这种全世界最受欢迎的水果市场上,美国的一些商业巨头占据着绝对的主导地位,其价格优势是她(丹尼斯) 根本无法抗衡的. For its supporters, fair trade is an example of how world trade can and should be run to tackle poverty. Producers are all small scale and must be part of a cooperative or democratically run association of workers who observe high social and environmental standards. 在其支持者看来,公平贸易以一种实例证明了世界贸易能够消除贫困,而且也应该如此.种植户的规模都很小,他们必须加入合作性的或者以民主方式运营的协会,这些协会成员遵守严格的社会和环境标准. It is ironic, though, that fair trade, which was designed to counter the injustices of the mainstream trading system, could itself become a victim of the WTO. Technically


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