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? ? 等级?Ⅰ 听力部分(30%) ?   一、Listen and number.听音排序。5% ? 1、?????? 2、??????? 3、 ? ? (??? )???????????? (??? )??????????? (??? ) ? 4、 ????????5、 ?????????? ? ?????????????????? ( ???)??????????????? (??? ) ?   二、Listen and choose.听音,选择正确的选项。10% ? ?(?? )1. A、One.?????????????? ??????B、This is an English book. ? ?(?? )2. A、It’s time for music.??? B、It’s ten o’clock. ? ?(?? )3. A、It’s on my bed.?????? ??B、It’s yellow. ? ?(?? )4. A、Yes, please.???????? ????B、These are tomatoes. ? ?(?? )5. A、There are ninety.????? ??B、Ninety yuan. ? 三、Listen and write.听音,看看小熊Zoom买了哪些水果,在表格中写出数量并将句子补充完整。15% ? ??? 6????? ? ? ? ? Total(总价):¥??????? ? Zoom:I want five ???????s, ????????????????s, ? ??????? ????????s, ????????????????s? ? and ????????????????????s. ? Zip:That’s? ?????????????yuan. ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Ⅱ? 综合语言运用部分(70%)??? ? 一、Look read, and circle.看图读句子,圈出正确的单词。10% ? ? ? 二、Read and draw?????or??? . 读一读,画线部分发音都相同的画?? ,不同的画???? 。8% ? 1. home? nose? fox????????????????? 2. music? student? use???????? ? 3. milk? pig? fish????????????????? 4. ten? leg? she???? ? ? 三、Look read, and write. 看图读句子,填上单词把句子补充完整。10% ? ?? ?8:10—8:509:05—9:4510:00—10:4010:50—11:301:15—1:55? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1. It’s 9:20.?? Amy has an ??????????class. ? 2. It’s 8:15.?? Amy has a? ??????????class. ? 3. It’s 11:05.? Amy has a? ??????????class. ? 4. It’s 1:35.?? Amy has a? ??????????class. ? 5. It’s 10:10.? Amy has a? ??????????class. ? ? 四、Look read, and tick. 看图读句子,打“√”选择正确的答案。8% ? ? ? 五、Read and fill the blank. 挑选句子填入对话。10% ? ? ? 六、Read and tick or cross. 读对话,打“√”或“×”判断句子对错。6% ? ? Amy: Hi! Tom. I have a new classroom. ? Tom: Really? Let’s go and have a look. Wow! It’s big and nice. ? Amy: Look! A new black board, four fans and six lights. ? Tom: There is a new computer on the teacher’s desk. How many students are there in your class? ? Amy: Twenty. ? Tom: Great! Where is your seat? ? Amy: It’s near the door. ? (1)? Amy has a new canteen. ??????(??? ) ?


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