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Listening Vocabulary Grammar(2)Function Everyday English;Listening -1. Matching Match the instructions on the left with the meaning on the right.; Listening-2.Answering Listen to the tape ,and finish the exercise on Activity 2, page49.;3. Why was it difficult for one speaker to hear the other speaker? (a) The music was too loud. (b) The band was American. (c) someone was waiting for a phone call. Why was one of the speakers listening to music, instead of being outside? (a) It was a beautiful day. (b) She was waiting for a phone call. (c) She like hip hop music. ; Listening -3. Underlining Listen again , then underline the stressed words.; Everyday English -1. Conversion Change the expression of the underlined sentences with the expressions form E.E.;Grammar (2) -1. Answering Look at the following sentences, say which one is better and why.;Grammar (2) -2.Observation Add words which have been left out and rewrite the sentences.;Grammar (2) -3.Exercises Finish Activity 1 and 3 ,page 50;Grammar (2) -4.Rules ;Grammar (2) -4.Rules ;Grammar (2) -4.Rules ;Grammar (2) -4.Rules ;Grammar (2) -5.Practice Change the sentences into elliptical sentences.;While he was reading the newspaper, grandpa nodded from time to time. He went to the doctor because he had to go to the doctor. The reference books which were ordered last month haven’t arrived yet. We tested the depth of the water and the temperature of the water. Although he is very busy, he will do it for us. You may leave if you wish to leave. He told me the truth after he was asked three times.;Homework ;17


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