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PAGE  PAGE 42 会计保密协议英文版 篇一:保密协议(英文) 保密协议 (3.0版) Non-Disclosure Agreement (LS-EX1 Version 3.0) 本协议由披露方和接受方于_2016年_2__月_18___日签订: This Non-Disclosure Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made as of the [ 18th ] day of [ FEB], 2016 by and between: “披露方”由本协议附件A所确定。 “Disclosing Party” mean the parties specified in the Exhibit A to this Agreement. 和 and “接受方”:[武汉八尺龙商贸有限公司], 一家根据 中华人民共和国 法律成立与存续的公司,其法定地址为湖北省武汉市东西湖区金南一路丽景广场236号,邮编:430040 ;及 “Receiving Party”:[Wuhan Baslong saddlery Co.,Ltd ], a company established and existing under the lawswith its legal address at 披露方或接受方单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。 The Disclosing Party and the Receiving Party will be referred to individually the “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”. 鉴于: Whereas: 双方为发展、评估双方进行业务往来的机会(“业务往来”),追求双方的共同利益,将进行协商和讨论。在讨论和协商过程中,披露方将向接受方披露保密信息。 The Parties, for their mutual benefits, will discuss and negotiate with each other in order to develop and evaluate the potential opportunity for business dealings with each other (the “Business Dealing”). In the process of discussion and negotiation, the Parties may have exchanged or wish further to exchange Confidential Information as defined below. 为保证保密信息的安全和机密以及双方的合法权利,经过平等协商和在公平、平等的原则基础上,双方约定如下: NOW, THEREFORE, for the sake of keeping security and confidentiality of the Confidential Information hereunder and related legal rights of the Parties, after friendly consultations and proceeding on principles of fairness and equality, the Parties hereby agreed as follows: 双方已责成各自的授权代表于文首所载日期正式签订本协议,于此为证。 IN WITTNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be signed by their authorized representative as of the date first above written. 披露方 Disclosing Party: [ ]接受方 Receiving Party: [] 授权代表人 Authorized Representative:[ ]授权代表人 Authorized Representative: [ ] 1. 术语 Terms 1.1 本协议所指的“保密信息”,是指在本协议签订之前或之后,由披露方或受其委托的第三方所披露或者提供的,不论是否以口头、书面或电子形式为载体;也不论披露方是否在该信息上标明“保密”或其他类似标记的所有数据、信息和资料。保密信息包括但不限于: “Confidential Information” shall mean, any data, information or material that a


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