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英文翻译练习及答案 gt;Gandhi’s Assassination: “Bapu (Father) Is Finished” 1)甘地遇刺:“巴普(爸爸/父亲)死了!” 2)甘地不幸遇刺,印度痛失国父。 3)甘地遇刺身亡,圣雄魂归九天。 gt;New Delhi, January 30, 1948 (United Press Association) --- Mohandas K. Gandhi was assassinated today by a Hindu Extremist whose act plunged India into sorrow and fear. [合众新闻社 新德里 1948年1月30日电] 莫旱达斯·K·甘地今天遭一名印度教极端分子暗杀身亡,这一暴行使印度举国上下悲痛万分,惊恐不已。 gt;Gandhi crumpled instantly, putting his hand to his forehead in the Hindu gesture of forgiveness to his assassin. Three bullets penetrated his body at close range, one in the upper right thigh, one in the abdomen, and one in the chest. 甘地当即垮倒在地,同时还按印度教的方式,以手加额,表示宽恕凶手。三发子弹在近距离射中了他的身躯,其中一颗击中右胯,一颗射入腹部,另一颗打中了胸部。 gt;A panic-stricken Moslem woman echoed the thoughts of thousands with a cry: “God help us all!!!” 一名惊恐万状的穆斯林妇女喊出了众同胞的心声:“真主啊,救救我们吧!” gt;There by the thousands they stood weeping silently or moaning a wailing. 在那里成千上万的人或伫立垂泪,或凄切啜泣,或哀声痛哭。 gt;Within Birla House there was grief and mourning which at least for the moment fused the dissident sects of India --- the Hindus, the Moslems, and the Sikhs -- into a community of sorrow. 在波拉宫,悲痛至少暂时弥合了印度各宗派——印度教徒,伊斯兰教徒和锡克教徒——之间的分歧,使他们融为一体,同声哀悼。 用四字格的好处: a) Condensing otherwise fussy ideas. b) Achieving brevity c) Vivifying a translator’s pen d) Making translation newsier and more readable Suggested Approaches I. Condensing (fussy) ideas or loose structures into four-character Chinese phrases. gt;The BBC reporters overwhelmed the police as much with courtesy as with force, and rushed to the scene in time. 英国广播公司记者软磨硬闯,冲破了警察的阻挡,及时赶到事发现场。 gt;Some personnel executives complained that many college graduates they had interviewed here had two-star abilities with five-star ambitions. 一些人事经理抱怨,在他们面试过的大学毕业生中,其中不少人都是些眼高手低(或好高骛远)之辈。 gt;… her rich black hair falling freely onto her shoulders, the intensity of her dark eyes. 乌发披肩,亮泽飘逸;一双黑眸,顾盼生辉。 乌亮秀发,瀑垂在肩;一双黑眸,波光潋滟。 (Better) To be a good translator l Target language l


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