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2007 年北京市中考英语试卷(课标卷) 16. Harry Porter III is ______ interesting story and we all like it. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 【【【答案【答案】】】 B 【【【试题分析【试题分析】】】 interesting 的开头字母是 i,切为元音发音,所以排除答案 A。故事为可数名词, 为单数,并没特指,所以答案为 B。 17. ---- who is the boy over there ---- ______ is my brother. A. He B. His C. Him D. Himself 【【【答案【答案】】】 A 【【【试题分析【试题分析】】】 人称代词题,根据上下文,问的是他。所以答案为 A。 18. ----would you like something to drink? ---- ______, please. A. Meat B. Rice C. Water D. Bread 【【【答案【答案】】】 C 【【【试题分析【试题分析】】】 语境题,想喝东西,只有 C 符合题意。 19. ---- ______ do you usually fly kites? ---- In the park. A. Why B. How C. When D. Where 【【【答案【答案】】】 D 【【【试题分析【试题分析】】】 根据答句,知道问的是什么地方,所以答案为 D。 20. ----How are you going to the Summer Palace? ----We’re going there ______ bike. A. for B. at C. of D. by 【【【答案【答案】】】 D 【【【试题分析【试题分析】】】 固定搭配,by bike ,骑自行车。故答案为 D。 21. ---Excuse me. Where is Mr. Green’s office? ---It’s ______ floor. A. seven B. the seven C. the seventh D. seventh 新东方优能教育 【【【答案【答案】】】 C 【【【试题分析【试题分析】】】 根据上下文得知,在第七楼,所以答案为 C。 22. --- Look! There are ______ pictures on the wall. A. any B. some C. much D. both 【【【答案【答案】】】 B 【【【试题分析【试题分析】】】 pictures 为可数名词复数,切并没有表明是两幅,所以排除答案 D,A,C。故 答案为 B. 23. ---- Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight? ----I’d live to, ______ I have lots work to do A. so B. or C. and D. but 【【【答案【答案】】】 D 【【【试题分析【试题分析】】】 连词题,语意前后相反,所以应为答案 D。 24. ---Which coat is ______ on me, the blue one or the black one? ---The blue one. A. good B. better C. be


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