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2017 中国—阿拉伯国家博览会 邀请函 尊敬的先生/女士: 2017 中国—阿拉伯国家博览会将于 9 月 6 日-9 日在中国 宁夏银川市举办,同期举办中阿合作论坛框架下的第七届中 阿企业家大会。本届博览会以“务实、创新、联动、共赢” 为主题,重点围绕商品贸易、服务贸易、技术合作、投资金 融、旅游合作五大板块组织展览展示、会议论坛和推介洽谈 等活动。 为继续深入开展政企对话和政策交流,共同探讨经贸务 实合作的领域和途径,洽谈具体合作项目,组委会将邀请中 外领导人、部长级官员、相关国家驻华大使、国际性区域组 织、国家级商协会代表以及中外大型企业代表参会参展。 鉴于您和贵机构在中国与阿拉伯和其他地区国家经贸合 作中发挥着重要的作用,双方合作有巨大的发展潜力。现诚 挚地邀请您拨冗出席 2017 中国-阿拉伯国家博览会,参加相 关会议论坛和展览展示等活动。 我们期待在金秋九月相聚“塞上明珠”宁夏银川,共享 发展机遇,共商务实合作。 中国-阿拉伯国家博览会组委会 2017 年 3 月 (Translation) China-Arab States Expo 2017 Invitation Letter Dear Sir/Madam: China-Arab States Expo 2017 will be held from September 6 to 9, 2017 in Yinchuan, Ningxia. The 7th Session of the Arab Chinese Businessmen Conference under the framework China-Arab States Cooperation Forum will also be held concurrently. With the theme of “Towards a New Model of Partnership Featuring Results-oriented and Win-win Cooperation”, the upcoming Expo will organize such activities as exhibitions and shows, conferences and forums, promotion and business negotiation by focusing on commodity trade, trade in services, technical cooperation, investment and finance as well as tourism cooperation. In order to further carry out government-enterprise dialogue and policy communication, jointly discuss the areas and approaches for practical cooperation on economy and trade, and negotiate specific cooperation projects, the Organizing Committee will invite following person to attend the Expo . The invited guests will be: Chinese and foreign leaders, ministerial-level officials, ambassadors of relevant countries to China, representatives from international organizations, national-level chambers of commerce and business associations as well as large enterprises at home and abroad. You and your organization play an important role i


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