Ugly Betty第一季第4集剧本(中英文) .doc

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Ugly Betty第一季第4集剧本(中英文)

S1 04:Feys Sleigh Ride -Walter:I made a terrible mistake. terrible: 严重的 mistake: 错误 我犯了一个很严重的错误。 -Betty: Did you realize this before or after Gina dumped you? realize: 了解,意识到 before: 在…前面 after: 在…后面 dumped: dump的过去式丢弃,倾卸 你是在Gina 踹掉你之前还是之后意识到的? -Hilda: Its his H.M.O. Theyre not gonna cover Dad anymore. gonna: going to 将要 cover: 掩蔽,掩护 not anymore: 不再 爸爸的卫生维护组织不给他药了。 -Daniel: Got a weird call from some woman. weird: 怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 call: 电话 我接到一个女人的奇怪电话。 She said to ask you about ask about: 询问,打听 她问你关于 Bayonne scrap yard? scrap: 废料 yard: 场地 Bayonne废物处理场? -Bradford: I havent the foggiest. foggy: 模糊的,混乱的 foggiest: foggy的最高级 我一点印象也没有。 -Wilhelmina: As long as theres this wedge between the two of them, as long as: 只要 wedge: 楔形物【隔阂】 between: 在…之间,在…之中 只要他们俩之间有隔阂, the relationship is doomed. relationship: 关系,联系 doomed: doom的过去式注定,判定,厄运,劫数 他们的感情必定完蛋。 Perhaps its time I drive that wedge a little deeper. perhaps: 也许 drive: 驱使,促使 wedge: 楔形物【隔阂】 a little: 少量,少许 deeper: deep的比较级,更深的 也许是时候到我来加深他们的隔阂了。 can I get, get, get to know, know, know, know you better, better, baby get to know: 了解 -Betty: Wow, this is so cool. 哇,这里真酷! Ive always wanted to come to networking night at the rack. always: 一直 want to: 想要做 network: 网状物【人际关系网】 rack: 烧酒,烤架 我一直很想来社交舞会。 And, oh, look! Theres free grilled cheese. free: 免费的 grilled: 烧烤的 cheese: 干酪,奶酪 哦,看哪! 那里有免费的烤乳酪。 -Amanda: Okay, ground rules. ground: 场地【划分】 rule: 规则,规章,规定 好吧,规矩。 Stop with the chatty, stop: 停止 chatty: 饶舌的,爱讲闲话的 不要多说话, Don’t stand so close to me, close: 位置接近地 不要站得离我这么近, and no one eats the grilled cheese. eat: 吃 而且谁也别吃烤乳酪。 -Betty: Shes having one. 她就在吃。 -Marc: Well, of course fat Carol is eating one. of course: 当然 fat: 胖的 哦,当然肥妞Carol在吃。 What do you expect? 你还能怎么样? -Betty: Anyway, anyway: 无论如何 不管了, so how does this work? work: (使)运作,运转 我要怎么做? -Amanda: You have to work the room. have to: 不得不,必须 你必须忙起来。 -Betty: Work the room? 忙起来? -Marc: Circulate, baby. circulate: (使)流通 交流,宝贝。 Introduce yourself. introduce: 介绍,引见 自我介绍。 We



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