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毕业设计(论文) 湾沟水电站进水口快速事故闸门设计 Bending of the emergency gate ditch hydropower station design quickly  学生姓名: 覃 志 强 学历层次: 本 科 所在系部: 机 电 学 院 所学专业:材料成型及控制工程 指导教师: 黄 金 林 教师职称: 教 授 完成时间: 2010年6月 长 春 工 程 学 院 摘 要 快速事故闸门作为水电站机组与工作闸门在发生事故时的安全性的保证,是维护水工建筑物正常运行的基础,因而有一套安全性高、应变能力强的处理事故的闸门布置在靠近上游面(或下游面)是很有必要的。本次设计的中心是围绕着快速事故闸门及相关配套设施展开,第一部份为闸门的设计计算过程,重点从水电站的整体结构布局出发,综合考虑各项因素,经过多次论证,最后做出门叶结构设计、止水装置、埋件等选型工作;第二部份为闸门相关的防蚀涂装及其工艺设计,第三部分为启闭机设计,主要涉及卷扬机启升机构的设计过程,通过定量的计算,认识闸门优化设计理念。 关键词 快速事故闸门 结构设计 腐蚀涂装 启闭机 优化过程 Abstract Fast emergency gate as the gate station machine and work in the incidents, security guarantee, is to maintain the normal operation of the foundation of hydraulic structures, and thus to have a safe, strong adaptability to deal with the accident near the upstream gate layout surface (or downstream side) is necessary. The design center is around the fast and related facilities for emergency gate to start the first part of the design calculation process for the gate, focusing on the overall structure of the layout from the starting station, considering all the factors, after many arguments, the last to do out leaf structural design, sealing devices, embedded parts, etc. Selection of work; the second part of the anti-corrosion coating for the gate-related and process design, Section III hoist design, the main institutions involved in the design of hoist Kai Sheng process, through quantitative calculation, recognizing gate optimization design. Keywords: Rapid accident gate; Structure design; protective coating; hoist; Optimized process. 目 录  TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc264661734 前 言  PAGEREF _Toc264661734 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc264661735 第一章 事故闸门设计  PAGEREF _Toc264661735 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l _Toc264661736 1. 基本资料和设计依据  PAGEREF _Toc264661736 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l _Toc264661737 2. 闸门结构的形式及布置  PAGEREF _Toc264661737 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc264661738 3. 面板设计


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