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PAGE  PAGE 25 谈判秘诀 充分准备 Be Prepared 充分准备是谈判成功最为重要的因素。谈判中,信息就是力量。掌握的相关信息越多,处境就越有利。谈判准备工作越充分越好,在进入任何谈判之前都要给自己留有足够的时间做好准备。 Preparation is the single most important element in successful negotiations. In negotiations, information is power. The more relevant information you have, the better your position is. Preparation for your negotiations can not be overdone. Allow yourself adequate time to prepare prior entering any negotiation. 了解对手的要求 Understand the Needs of Your Adversary 此语境中的“对手”是指谈判的另一方。自己和对方的关系通常不可以被描述为对抗性的,但是为了这里的讨论的目的,谈判将被看作是一种对抗关系。站在对方的位置想一想,对方想从谈判中得到什么? 把你能够想出来的对方谈判目标尽量多地写下来,按照你认为对手可能使用的排序方法,把所列的项目区分优先顺序,以此确定自己愿意协商的项目和不可协商的项目。 Your “adversary” in this context is the other party in the negotiation. Your relationship with this party may not normally be described as adversarial, but for the purposes of this discussion we will view the negotiation as an adversarial relationship. Put yourself in your adversary’s shoes. What would they like to gain from the negotiation? Write down as many possible goals as you can think of. Prioritize your list in the order that you believe your adversary would. Identify the items you are willing to negotiate and those items which are non-negotiable. 明白己方的需求 Know What your needs are. 你需要从谈判中得到什么,更多的钱?更多的灵活性?刚好的机遇?进入更广阔的市场?把自己想从谈判中得到的结果逐项列单,在谈判之前把自己所列的项目进行精选和区分优先顺序。这张清单和上面已列好的那张清单可使自己知道自己真正的“底线”。 What do you need out of the negotiations? More money? More flexibility? Better opportunities? Access to broader markets? Make a list of those things you would like to receive as a result of the negotiations. Refine and prioritize your lost before starting the negotiation. This list and the one created above will allow you to know what your true “bottom line” is. 谈判着眼长远关系 Negotiations Involve on Going Relationships. 除了大宗的买卖,大多数谈判涉及到有长远关系的谈判各方。不论这种关系是家庭关系,朋友关系还是生意合伙人关系,在谈判情景之外,还必须继续和“对手”打交道,请时刻注意:谈判对这些关系生产的潜在影响。 With the exception of large purchases, most negotiations involve parties involved in a long term relationship. Whether


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